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Everything posted by Lasty

  1. No. That's just a good way to test it. My imagination doesn't care how dark it gets. *crazy thing* My imagination: IS FOR ME? Is for me to ponder or facetiously joke about?
  2. Lasty

    Horry Shet

    The new home is just a dogwarming gift.... See what I did there? <,<
  3. Lasty

    Horry Shet

    These are crazy times. Reddit is taking over wall street, there may or may not be phosphines on Venus, a pumpkin man incited an insurrection as if decisions were actually made at the capitol and lobbyists and the court of public opinion that is social media don't exist. I wasn't sure if you guys would still be here. Anyways. It's honestly not very pretty or the best craftsmanship, but it works. I have an awesome place to park it. The sidewalk...
  4. Lasty

    Horry Shet

    It is a DIY Rickshaw camper. It has dumpster caster wheels on the front and I push from the bar in the back so that it maneuvers exactly like a giant shopping cart with extremely sharp edges everywhere and a giant blind spot up front. It's very warm and dry, so it does what I need it to.
  5. Lasty

    Horry Shet

    I should have known no one would comment about the fact that I am a homeowner now or think to congratulate me if Dobbie was in any of the shots... >__________>
  6. Wizards and their scrolls. I'll never wrap my head around it.
  7. Just build one yourself...
  8. Lasty

    Horry Shet

    That's Dobbie. She is literally the best. It's really more like a doghouse for her. I pay rent in dog food.
  9. Climate. Change.
  10. Flip a coin and shoot one. If the remaining twin cackles uncontrollably, that's probably the evil one. Otherwise, the evil twin be dead.
  11. Interference with the circadian rhythm is tantamount to assault in my book. Self defense?
  12. Lasty

    Horry Shet

    Wow, that totally miffed up the order those were supposed to go in. You can piece it together with your brains... Also, wow. The intawebs at the makerspace here are vurry fast o.o
  13. Lasty

    Horry Shet

    This place still exists. I did a thing since last I was here.
  14. Lasty


    I'm homeless and righteous dude. Nature is my castle and I am the king of my reality. The castles made of stone are the imaginary ones. ;D
  15. Lasty


    Yeah, and as long as we're avoiding exercises in futility, let's go shoot bb guns at fascist freight trains...
  16. Lasty


    It's too late. Everyone smells it.
  17. Lasty


    It was moldy and had to come out from behind the fridge. It had to.
  18. That I don't care much what other people think.
  19. Somebody carved a bunch of norse runes in the ground outside my tent. Not sure if they were there before or if someone did that while I was asleep. Probably the former...
  20. Oh cnap
  21. Nature is brutal and doesn't care for people who don't know their place in the universe. Like the fascists these days who seem to think they're winning somehow as they shoot themselves in the foot.... Good for you.
  22. Why mention the floor before the love seat? What's wrong with the love seat? o_O
  23. Those people are not adults, or responsible. This planet is not a suitable nesting ground at all. We have to fix it first. Stupid.
  24. Lasty


    Darkside still shows up. I've seen him here. It was a long time ago, but yeah.
  25. Also alive
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