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Everything posted by Lasty

  1. Lasty

    Wealth update

    You ever try busking?
  2. Lasty

    Wealth update

    No, see, you're more affluent than me because I don't even have that option. What does your income look like? I'm lucky if I make like, 10 dollars a day, on average. This weather kills my profit margin because I'm going to break a string on my guitar in the cold before I can make enough for a replacement set, even. Now, during the summer that's all different and I can save a little bit if I don't spend anything on weed...
  3. Was she not into it?
  4. Lasty

    Wealth update

    Yeah, and if you all went homeless, I'd be the richest one here, what with all my experience managing homelessness. None of you would know what to do with yourselves.
  5. Triumph is always a treat when I'm reminded he still exists every couple of years.
  6. Good, maybe people will forget about it and stop coming here because of it.
  7. Lasty

    Wealth update

    Music equipment... back when I did factory work... it would be the same if I got another job, which I'm trying to do.
  8. Lasty

    Wealth update

    No, I am the ONLY poor one. The rest of you have jobs and apartments. *mic drop*
  9. I had this dream where I watched myself die. Life felt a lot easier after that. People you know dying in dreams = stop taking them for granted.
  10. Lasty

    Wealth update

    I dunno, I think we all consider ourselves poor, but some of us would look at a few other peeps incomes and go dang can I borrow 20 bucks?
  11. Lasty

    Wealth update

    Wanna split the pb&j's? >__>
  12. Lasty

    Wealth update

    lol.... wait....
  13. yup... still poor.
  14. because you touch yourself at night?
  15. Donald Trump doesn't own any of the rights to my original music.
  16. Very fine pussy indeed.
  17. Shut up O0
  18. No you didn't. You're just trying to get us all to touch our penises...
  19. Do you ever do any volunteer work around your community, anything like that? Donate to charities?
  20. Cookies? Also, you're thinking of the word "naught" not "not"
  21. Now I want a bacon-burger...
  22. I'm basically stoked. Turning dirty thirty this year. My life starts now. O0
  23. I think I'm finally starting to get to the point where everything I've learned is coming together and I can get shiz taken care of without stressing out. Right now, crashing at a friends place, new reference on my Resume, gonna start Barista-ing soon. That will get me off the streets and support my music career, and give me the affluence to get involved in the community in new ways I don't even know yet.
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