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Internet Dad
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Everything posted by MEXobiologist

  1. Working a short shift. Which is good cuz I feel like shit today.
  2. Shrimp fajitas, extra spicy pineapple mango salsa, and cilantro lime rice Hungy.
  3. https://www.kcet.org/shows/artbound/drummer-peter-erskine-on-jazz-flick-whiplash
  4. This is about the only good thing about that movie. If it inspires people to pick up an instrument. As a story about mental and emotional abuse, its good. It just ticks me that it is full of gross misrepresentations dealing with jazz, music education, and playing. The whole thing was just frustratingly inaccurate and put some funny ideas into peeps heads. This is an interview with Peter Erskine which I thought pretty much nailed the movies faults.
  5. Dom, definitely, no question about it.
  6. Feel better boo <3
  7. Tea can help.
  8. Lol, usually its obvious enough when you're in a place if such is dangerous or not. Normal people will recognize that. There just simply isnt enough traffic here to make it dangerous. Plenty of visibility with lack of traffic.
  9. Groggy but sunny.
  10. Its weird to live in a place where jaywalking is no biggie and then go into a bigger city. You end up doing this mental "ohhhhh yeah, thats right!" kinda thing.
  11. Can they be imaginary people?
  12. YOU BETTER I'm watching youuuuuu
  13. Don't forget to celebrate a little after work EvilsergE[/member] :brownbottle: :420: :brownbottle: Put the growler and pipe i got you to good use today <3
  14. MEXobiologist


    what the fuck tho, for real? thats awful. people are insane.
  15. MEXobiologist


    lol, you smart ass
  16. Touch noses.
  17. cross your arms and roll your eyes a lot?
  18. I wonder if NaBlarney[/member] messed up the response on this one. i think its meant for me? basically, exobiology is the study of the possibility of life in space. more specific than the broader astrobiology. mexican + exobiologist = MEXobiologist. to answer the question however, no. no, i am not. though i find it very fascinating, it is just a handle i use for some things.
  19. this is my perception and exactly why i have never considered using any dating apps or websites before. and honestly i feel like unless you live under extreme circumstances, i'm not real convinced that it increases your odds anyway because it seems like you have much more bullshit to weed through which comes off as time waster. like it could take just as long to randomly meet people while engaging in social activities. i dunno, the whole dating site thing seems too convoluted, especially considering all the zeni's that use them.
  20. eh, once you know what you are dealing with structure wise concerning the walls, you should be able to find an appropriate way to mount it.
  21. good luck!
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