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Internet Dad
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Everything posted by MEXobiologist

  1. ^so much of this right here <3
  2. whut creeeeeeeepy
  3. or none... you know, either way... fuck that bitch.
  4. THATS who sings that song. you just saved me a google buddy.
  5. i haven't experienced harassment more from any one kind of guy, so i can't say the same. its been pretty across the board in my experiences.... except east asian dudes. most don't even make eye contact. : o
  6. i don't like your girlfriend but i do love me some tacs
  7. woah, thats pretty messed up i mean, i've only dated two black guys but both were almost overly respectful
  8. it depends on what you think is being a bitch, i guess. i like to feel challenged by my partners intellectually and in a way that motivates me to be a better person and do better in way of life goals n shit. i definitely can not handle people that rollover for everything and agree on everything. thats infuriating. just as much as i expect they don't assume i should either.... but that doesn't give someone license to be an asshole and say/do cruel things that fuck with my emotions. i don't play those games.
  9. i wonder if its just your area then. like if the pickin is slim, maybe you don't attract just those kinds of people per se, you just have a smaller market of variety to be chosen by? idk... did that make sense? i tend to date one of two extremes. either the person is so ambitious and driven that i fall to the bottom of the priority scale and am rarely taken into consideration, or its the kind of person who ends up having no personal ambition and puts the relationship at the top of the priority scale. both are frustrating. one is lonely and the other suffocating. like... where are the happy mediums at? thats where i'm at and i would like to be equal in that regard.
  10. ehhhhhh, such can be said for many a female as well.... maybe in a different way tho. like if men are assholes, ladies are fucking psycho. seriously, and just as many men openly admit to having a knack for liking crazy bitches as much as women admit they have a knack for liking assholes.
  11. this is a new development for her. now that she is divorced she wants to get out more often. so when the ex has the kids, she kidnaps me.
  12. MEXobiologist


  13. Good morning boo. I am getting ready for work meow. So, there is that. Then naps! All the naps to heal my sicky body. Then apparently going to watch music with my sister... like she told me I was
  14. Lolol welcome and best luck to you! just remember... blame Rogue_Alphonse[/member]
  15. But why processed?
  16. Yeah, they don't fuck with anything thats sealed or put away. We don't even really give them people food tho, so I dun get it. They occasionally get a chicken neck... and sometimes I catch them being naughty, getting onto the counter and into some kind of meal during meal times. But that is rare. Fuckin beggers.
  17. Rick and Morty be like....
  18. MEXobiologist


    i'm fucking sick now too. happened yesterday evening... roughly 4 hours after talking shit to someone about how they always seem to be getting sick. i got what i deserved. really, i blame work. no one ever calls off when they are sick because everybody else gets pissed about it. so i finally caught the death cold thats been bouncing around there for a month now.... and guess what? i'm going in too. if the managers are feeling nice, they will ask if i want to go home. i won't hold my breath tho. so medicine, vitamins, food, and tea it is.
  19. i didn't start recognizing i had personal issues until well after i was a registered user on the asmb. i don't think there is an instance in my life which changed it for good or worse.... more that it has always been there. its all in my head, i just have to keep trying to do better and be aware of the tricks i play on myself.
  20. MEXobiologist


    no. honestly i'm not really interested in it either. my thing is, i don't really care to be that dominant. i mean, a little bit sure, like in terms of aggressively making moves when i want something or sometimes when receiving oral... but thats just too much and not really sexy to me. i prefer to be on the receiving end of dominant bedroom gymnastics. lol. within reason of course, cuz i'm not into asphyxiation or pain stuffs outside of some occasional rough handling like hair pulling or spanking and the like.
  21. MEXobiologist


    whut.... owo ^can only be expressed in smiley
  22. MEXobiologist


    honestly, it should always be relevant to bring up how you pegged a man most especially after your first experience with it
  23. i don't have a snapchat i do have an old tumblr that i used for jewelry making stuffs tho, i could easily modify the theme to the misadventures of uemb, a membership only club
  24. MEXobiologist


    ohhhh i've only watched one ep of that coincidentally at a friends house was something along the lines of a dude one of the chicks was seeing/banging or something like that, who wanted to be pegged
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