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Internet Dad
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Everything posted by MEXobiologist

  1. its icky though, i dunwannit, too sweet i'm more into desserts that have heavy spice, peanut butter, cheese, or fruit type elements unless we're talking cookies or pastries that are coffee dunking compatible
  2. >.>... yes?
  3. this^ cuz unstable psychopath and.... DRUM BATTLE!!!!!!!!!
  4. can't say that i'm a fan of it... but i'm not big on most desserts anyway
  5. i prefer to buy uncured center cut bacon from local butchers so that i know which farm and exactly what i'm getting usually cooked cripsy omnomnomnomnomnomnom
  6. my old lady joints dun like it. 60 degrees is about as cold as i can comfortably be, otherwise i wish it were hot all the time. except not. i don't think the local ecosystem would care much for that. so i guess i wish i had enough money to go somewhere warm when its cold. until then, i will relent to 4-5 months of solid grey skies, painful joints, and double to triple layers of clothes.
  8. i beg to differ i could never be a snow pee novelist it would just look like someone gave an infant an open cup of lemonade and asked them to write their name
  9. it seems like everyone is sick, internet, real life, errrrrbody except me i think you people need to lower your hygiene game and up your germ intake or something welp, best feed that fucker a lot, get plenty of liquid, up your vitamins, and if you can, get some topical oil for cold relief. the stuff with fir needle and whatnot in it. its better than anything else i've tried to relieve coughs and stuffy noses.
  10. FUCK YES! UPDATE: there she is folks! i've become the christmas star i always wanted to be
  11. lol i'm convinced the only people that are afraid of anal, are those that haven't tried it or those with bowel health concerns
  12. grandpa i'm not on birth control i need to poop
  13. no way, i fucking loved it <3 <3 <3 i was 100% entertained and singing along best i could in my head i mean, it entirely seemed to be pointed at someone and even if it wasn't, thats the beauty of music interpretation. i gave it a subject because it made it that much more entertaining, sing along, happy fun time to me. like deep in the cruel pits of my black heart, woah pooh, did you ever know that you're my hero? hahahaha
  14. its great a lot of fans hated the young machetes album... but fuck those people
  15. yeah, but then again, can a joke get worse than the catholic church?
  16. LIES! i saw your version of wrecking ball pure genius
  17. lord forgive us our sins
  18. i honestly don't believe my situation in life will ever be so dire and dangerous as to warrant me wanting or needing to use a firearm. even if such were the case, i've never believed myself as someone who could safely carry one. maybe a lot of that is in my own believing but i am a highly clumsy individual who make mistakes frequently because i simply do not consider my own safety first. it is really more of an afterthought. even if i've never been seriously injured as a result, i've been in a number of situations where i have come dangerously close to easily ending my life or becoming paraplegic, if it weren't for other people around me acting quick.
  19. now i'm not a vegetarian but i'm gonna go ahead and say probably not. the majority of vegetarians i know choose to be as such because they do not believe any meat is healthy for humans to consume as opposed to it being an animal cruelty concern.
  20. that is interesting. even when the story broke, here in Michigan it was reported as someone crashing his vehicle and stabbing people. lololol, people here were initially seriously worried that it was a wolverine fan though.
  21. all this news about different fires got me over here like
  22. that is the kind of thing that sets me off most. i don't get, even if you might actually believe that, how one doesn't just inherently know that talk like that is completely unacceptable in the workplace. its like that shit my manager said over our radio at work on black friday. he said "ladies, i'm not hearing as much as i should be about rewards (our credit card applications) up there. if you're not able to get me double digits on a day like today, i think you need to finally admit that you should be back in the kitchen cooking where you belong." straight up, no joke, he says shit like that allllll the time and freely admits to believing those things. like, at what point in their life do they think they gained the right and free pass to speak to employees like this? shit like that can and does spiral into a HR or legal nightmare with or without unions involved. most especially if its a reoccurring comments. its like they don't even value their jobs or something. one day, that kind of shit will come to bite them in the ass should anyone find themselves in a situation where they feel violated or threatened by such comments. it may not be you or me, but at some point, its not gonna fly with someone.
  23. i member but i am fairly certain only one user ever was in my sig
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