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Everything posted by crackymckrackin

  1. My next desktop will have one. The one pc I have now is a laptop I use for work.
  2. I have minecraft on pc. It's just easier to turn on the old 360. I don't play games much at all anymore. Work has killed my urge to play.
  3. When they come out with the next gen consoles?
  4. That warning is on everything I use. Literally.
  5. I would say the toilet was nice but it wasn't made of diamond.
  6. Sado masochist?
  7. I can still remember the smell and taste.
  8. I worked in a house once. The lady who lived there was severly disabled. No one other than a social worker ever visited her. We were hired to do the plumbing when the state paid to remodel. The smell in that house was thick enough to see, taste, smell and hear. I felt so bad for this lady. No one should ever have to live like that.
  9. Real or in game?
  10. Im not saying go have a kid for a tax deduction.....but it's a huge deduction. Kids cost more than the deduction.
  11. I'm meeting my cpa monday. Last year for earned income credit. Kid moved out last year. Next year, pure unadulterated irs rape.
  12. I found some decent threads today.
  13. Probably the super rollercoaster world. It took weeks to build. Wish I still had that map.
  14. Minecraft
  15. Snapchat has turned into vines without all the funny stuff.
  16. Yeah......
  17. Only if you showed someone having sex with a balloon.
  18. Idk, did you post anything banable?
  19. I'm going to tag you every time I mention the words taint, junk, or you know just anything i can think of that will make you say ewwww outloud.
  20. The most hated mod. Perseus.
  21. If she wants that revealed she can do it.
  22. I can hear @katt_goddess saying ewwwwww loudly.
  23. If thats a euphemism for my junk the answer is yes, but not here.
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