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Still Me

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Everything posted by Still Me

  1. No it was the actual app. And answering was mandatory
  2. I thought so too. But it’s an illegal interview question. And since it’s just an application, it’s just compiling data
  3. and it asked me what sexual orientation I was.....
  4. ive seen the map estimation....i think im outside of the infestation zone
  5. zero. THE BILLY GOAT HAIRS MUST BE PLUCKED!! as with the brow
  6. Well when we booked the movers they asked how big the tv was and they said they had boxing materials for it and they would box it. 😬
  7. See we are throwing out most of our furniture because we bought all new stuff, but we have a 75’ tv. That won’t fit in my Jeep or his platinum safely so we are kinda hostage in that. I’m just worried about the expensive stuff.
  8. to a much bigger place which is nice, but I hired movers for the first time. I’m rather nervous about them moving my shit. Like my tv n stuff. anyone have any movers stories? Like what do I do if they fuck up?
  9. Tagalongs in the freezer tend to last a lil bit longer than others…but the calories in the samoas…breaks my fuckin heart
  10. Milk of mag bruh
  11. Do what you love and you’ll never work a day of your life
  12. It has potential!!!!
  13. When was Chinese new year? Lol
  14. WhO tHe HeLl SaYs HaPpY nEw YeAr In FeBrUaRy?
  15. y’all are boring let’s goooooo
  16. what’s the rhyme?!? I have banana moonshine but I’ve had 2 bottles of sparkling rose
  17. Bitches drive
  18. East of bumfuck
  19. Tits gooooo
  20. I pick up on WWE every now and again. Last time I was actively watching was I think when the rock was still doing it. I had such the hots for one named Muhammad Hassan…don’t know what happened to him tbh
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