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Still Me

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Everything posted by Still Me

  1. no. When I'm at work I work...besides nobody that I've ever worked with have I ever found any attraction to...it's like I view them as coworkers and nothing more...like I deal in thousands of dollars a day but I don't think about that money as "money" work money has no value to me unless I know that it's mine...same goes for the people...I think the phrase is 'you don't shit where you eat'
  2. i wish my other half would...it's not healthy and it's fucking expensive
  3. oh man the desperation is THICK
  4. so I looked into it and it looks like he's eligible for parole this October...and his conduct in jail withstanding...he may actually get out
  5. WHO LOVES ORANGE SODA?!? ...L_B.....lb loves orange soda
  6. im thinking about making my own rice paper dumplings
  7. i vote no on the Craig's list thing...they way things are on there he's most likely to be raped and stabbed behind a 7 eleven
  8. actually yes I do...
  9. watching old reruns of Keenan and kel....it's a good day
  10. sieg heil
  11. wait wait wait...didn't he beat the shit out of someone who rightfully purchased his old football memorabilia?
  12. mine are prettier
  13. made a corporate complaint....so my head pharmacist...instead of asking what went on or the fact the guy was mere inches from my face....fuckin called him today and apologized to him....my boss is a fucking Dixie cup...crumbles at the first sign of trouble...I'm kinda glad I had a pharmacist there yesterday that had my back...unlike today...fucker
  14. ooooh versus FEMA?
  15. yeah I like it so far...I'm unhappy with Cuba being cast as the juice tho...I wonder if they will do other controversial cases too...like Zimmerman...
  16. life is like a hurricane of shit...sometimes you're in the eye and everything is ok and calm...but then that wind picks up
  17. thats ok most of your jokes aren't funny anyways
  18. thats ok...I wouldn't have cared anyway
  19. im not clicking that on the grounds I'm only 5 episodes in and that's a spoiler
  20. i think I just peed a little
  21. i came in on time...I left on time
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