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Everything posted by TrigunBebop

  1. Then I guess I take a nap every day. >.>
  2. I would make a new one, but my tablet stopped working and I got no other cameras. <_<
  3. >.> <.< bang me pls?
  4. It's only an 11 year old picture. >_>;
  5. oh my!
  6. Really? I was worried I was just being full of hot air.
  7. Yes, yes, and definitely.
  8. Or, at least, definitely bangable.
  9. I usually only sleep for like a couple hours when I go to bed. Does that count as a nap?
  10. Central Ohio also isn't extremely terrible.
  11. Look on the bright side. At least you're not in southern Ohio. I hope. Place is batshit insane.
  12. It feels like shut up and kiss me.
  13. I've seen a dog shit in someone's sink before.
  14. Is this a suitable question?
  15. Still playing Phantasy Star Online. Got one character to lvl 200, and 11 more characters up to at least 120.
  16. I prefer Sitpop Saturday.
  17. Go tell Quackers.
  18. Smelly Pat, Smelly Pat What are they feeding you? Smelly Pat, Smelly Pat It's not your fault.
  19. I am ok with this. >.>;
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