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Everything posted by 3ngag3

  1. Now all Pol has to do is get a colored eye mask, change his name to a Renaissance artist and learn Ninjutsu and he'll be golden
  2. Just the antagonist fucking with the intro again.
  3. I have a feeling tonight's episode is gonna be a real shell shocker.
  4. A.K.A. a retelling of the series but they try to make it not suck so bad despite the fact that it will suck no matter how its told.
  5. I...forgot this show even existed to be honest...
  6. Remember that time Kira got pierced by the arrow?
  7. Between this and Metalocalypse, I'm not sure which show got the more unceremonious exit.
  8. Maybe he'll redeem himself with the Eden's Zero anime.
  9. Between him getting his legs shaved off by both Vanilla Ice and DIO, I think he got off well.
  10. There will be a special announcement too on Saturday during the CR Virtual Expo, most likely another show coming.
  11. I did nazi those titties coming.
  12. AssClass. Ass. Class. I've heard some good things about this show, but never actually got to see it in full before until now.
  13. He made derogatory remarks on Facebook towards Dolly Parton and the BLM movement.
  14. Funny enough, this wasn't really Japan's fault this time. KA/KM made the dumb move of putting their stuff up on Google. Once the DCMA's came in, Google got spookled and shut the whole thing down.
  15. No, there's two Batman movies tonight. Year One and The Dark Knight Returns Part 1. I figured rather than making a second thread for TDKR, we can lump both weeks of the movie into one thread.
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