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Everything posted by 3ngag3

  1. Oh hey, it looks like Alessi from Stardust Crusaders has reincarnated into this show.
  2. https://www.animenewsnetwork.com/news/2020-12-03/kaichi-sato-samurai-and-shogun-short-for-rick-and-morty-animated-series-has-planned-sequel/.167012 Another potential time filler for Toonami if they have a special marathon or daylight savings or whatever since they had no problem airing the first one.
  3. Because Primal was run exclusively to promote its move to HBO Max. That's why that annoying as hell QR code was up there all night.
  4. Shippuden will be the victim of Gemusetto's final episodes.
  5. The language Mira spoke was supposedly Libanese Arabic. The full translation is laid out in this video here.
  6. We're forgetting that Hellsing Ultimate exists again.
  7. Sure, but I was referring to this as well.
  8. I think it's just incidental considering how often Maki gets referred to as a gorilla.
  9. *Anatomy of A Hedgehog intensifies*
  10. I too quite enjoy Super Sentai and most of its adaptations.
  11. Koro sensei was channeling his inner Abe 'Knuckleball' Shwartz this entire episode.
  12. Ocean dub Goku Miroku Trowa Barton Many more. Rest in Power Kirby Morrow
  13. I mean, he might have had it not taken such a massive shit halfway through its run.
  14. I know Genndy himself said he didn't want this on the block, but with the way things have been going, this was inevitable.
  15. I asked this when this first premiered, but what the hell is Leefa doing in the boonies of this warzone anyways?
  16. Bebop wins. NOSTALIGALITY
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