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Everything posted by 3ngag3

  1. 3ngag3


    Imagine if they burned a field of marijuana instead of that poison flower stuff. The show would have gotten a lot more funky.
  2. Those are all the exact same anime.
  3. Look at the date it was posted.
  4. Toonami is just following the model of Cartoon Network who's daily schedules have consisted of practically 80% reruns even before the pandemic began.
  5. Ballmasterz is legit though. Unlike shows like Perfect Hair Forever or MachuPichu which seem to mock anime tropes (and Asian culture in general) Ballmasterz pays homage to them cleverly enough. Combine that with the goofy, over the top Superjail style violence and you got the makings of a pretty good show.
  6. VIA Demarco on Twitter Ballmasterz 9009 will be replacing it for the time being.
  7. Sadly, anything can be politicized these days. Racism is no different.
  8. So, I guess Nickelodeon shutting down their network for 9 minutes was bad PR...
  9. Because they did Yuri!!! on Ice, right?
  10. Narancia learning the same lesson Josuke learned with his granddad.
  11. While I understand why Wit Studio had to drop it, I'm still sad to see them go. MAPPA looks like they're going to give it their best shot though unlike what some other studios have done picking up continuing anime (Onepunch-Man, Seven Deadly Sins)
  12. 3ngag3


    Shuichi got that tailed beast mode going on.
  13. The online schedule shows as normal next week with the exception of MHA which is airing Deku vs. Gentle...again...
  14. Earl Grey? We have an Earl here, but he's gay.
  15. 3ngag3


    Episode 6 had a little of everything. Petting NTR Lesbians
  16. In an enclosed space where it doesn't discriminate between friend and foe? I think not.
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