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Everything posted by That_One_Guy

  1. I woke up early to write that. Going back to sleep now.
  2. I got paid to watch Killer Klowns From Outer Space!
  3. Everytime I have sex with a girl they always talk about him Fade time 🍆💪
  4. Lol I'll tell him you said that 😂
  5. That's my buddy Johnny Smith. He's a funny dude!
  6. Tomorrow I'm doing a mystery science theater type show in West Virginia. We're watching Killer Klowns from Outer Space!!!
  7. Also, calling it right now, Clemson doesn't make the playoff this year.
  8. I mean they did look solid but we gotta remember the Bengals are second only to the dolphins in being trash. And Andy Dalton should have retired ten years ago. Saints played pretty well with teddy. Pretty sure we can secure home advantage when Drew gets back
  9. First of all I'm loving my saints rn. Beat the 3-0 cowboys with Teddy! Steelers fans are wild tho. They finally get a win against the second worst team in the NFL and some of them are talking about playoffs 😂
  10. Bama giving up 30+ points to Ole piss.... What.... The..... Fuck
  11. got me feeling like a strong independent woman and shit
  12. ask her if he has a hog Girth wind and fire
  13. i know lol But caculus as a whole centers around slope in one way or another.
  14. Calculus is literally all about slope in one way or another Y=MX+B Almost every equation can be brought back to that I'll be honest i dont remember about derivatives, but if I looked it up I'm sure it would all come back to me
  15. It's all about finding the slope...... in my pants!!! Gonna kill myself now
  16. The dildos are popping like 20 feet in the air
  17. At the Steelers tailgate. Fuckin yinzers man
  18. Lol it only takes 5 seconds
  19. I'm right with you. Taking that follow back feels amazing. I talk a little shit before I do it too. I'm like "yeah bitch you could have had a loyal follower" I also take back every like I've ever given them
  20. There's an app that shows you people that you're following who aren't following you. Also they're following me and unfollowing as soon as I follow back. They're trying to play me
  21. Feels good. That's what happens when you try to play me for a follow bitch. Take several seats.
  22. Woke up. Drinking. Might go to the gym
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