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Everything posted by That_One_Guy

  1. If I was a mod just do whatever the fuck you want. Act like a bitch your nuts will get slapped. That's it.
  2. Damn right. I made a thread about getting a famous chick pregnant lol. If a famous chick ever wants to have sex with me imma try lol
  3. Wtf is a yockel? 🤣🤣🤣
  4. Wooooowwwwwwww
  5. I know. Bouta fuck on there and get e-clap
  6. Nothing wrong with that. You have other shit you'd rather do with your time, and thats probably better lol. I used to play a lot more but I'm almost never home now so I rarely have time. I like rpgs and shit but I don't have the money or time to join the pc master race. I feel like if you're gonna get a gaming pc you should be on twitch or try to get some kind of income out of gaming. Cause at that point it's obviously a big part of your life lol. I like handheld shit too. I just started playing new super mario bros on the switch.
  7. You like simple shit? Like COD?
  8. Witcher 3. It's, in my opinion, the best game ever made. It's like skyrim but good.
  9. One time I was posting in a thread where the OP was about using someone elses WIFI and he fucking locked it saying "IT'S CALLED THEFT OF SERVICE AND ITS ILLEGAL" Like bro fuck off
  10. You were the worst mod. You were the fucking JP Losman of mods on ASMB. Glad you lost your job. Can't ban me now can you? No you can't. Haha.
  11. Step 2: fuck someone famous
  12. Bouta play Witcher.
  13. Not into the beastiality but I'm dtf on that game
  14. How was it nasty? Could you fuck on that game?
  15. Looks dope. I used to play games like that and tell Hella bitches that I love them
  16. Is that kineva?
  17. Shit Might have to delete my account
  18. I'll counter sue
  19. Lol super swimmers
  20. Nah cuzzo I'll scout out prospects beforehand
  21. I know. Got me feeling like trash
  22. Ready af bro. I'm great at ignoring people
  23. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
  24. Love u bro
  25. OK cool so I'll hand her a list 😂
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