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Everything posted by That_One_Guy

  1. You gotta have that TP in the freezer lol
  2. The pain really stayed with you all night?
  3. I'm for sure gonna look into getting top loader then. I also would love to have the famicom CD things that they only released in Japan. But I'm sure those are crazy expensive lol. Cartridge technology is just too damn faulty. What doesn't make sense is my snes works way better than my N64
  4. 5
  5. 6
  6. Yea straight up
  7. Also thank you for the list!
  8. I was gonna use that. I want to get it to the point where it will always work the first time. I've never actually seen a top loader NES. I've only heard about it.
  9. Can you clean the games with brass cleaner? I've heard that's the best.
  10. Idk...i felt like it wasn't my place to ask. I remember a lot of people being caught off guard by it. He might have just been depressed with nobody to talk to. Shit can get rough without an outlet. I think we've all been there.
  11. I remember Mopar. He was dope.
  12. *ignored*
  13. Are IP bans still a thing?
  14. But wouldnt he get banned for that? Sounds like spamming.
  15. It has to be a concentrated effort. But at least he's a pretty obvious troll. We all know he doesn' do any of the shit he claims. It's all for shock value.
  16. How many chicks you smashed here, bro?
  17. You're right bro.......im shaking bro...yiu scaring me bro srs
  18. The kid really just wants attention. If people stopped replying to his threads he'd probably chill
  19. Just have a fucking ball! You need it man Just don't drive >_>
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