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Everything posted by That_One_Guy

  1. I pinkie swear it wont......totally unrelated but do you know how i can get out of the country for cheap?
  2. In return you'll get my eternal respect Also I'm so broke it's like giving to charity.....so it's tax deductible....think about it <_<
  3. Tell him I want my money
  4. A-are you a demon?
  5. Idk man. Even though I'm not judging I can say we have some strong entries thus far
  6. Do you take showers so hot that your skin is red?
  7. No idea why but I lol'd hard
  8. Yeah it's anybody's game at this point. Lol we got some great stuff! I'm pumped!
  9. Hey he's already got some pretty stiff competition >_>
  10. Say no more. I definitely wanted to give people ample time. Especially considering the holidays
  12. Patience is a virtue. A shitty virtue but a virtue nontheless
  13. As of right now I want to keep it at the 10th. But if everyone who's going to enter finishes early it could possibly move up.
  14. Send all bribes to the bathroom at fountain park. Pls make all bribes out to cash.
  15. Damn bro you just be tossing the ass up
  16. Did you know that you could win a CUSTOM RANK if you win first place? As in you can call yourself anything you want! You can make your rank the Poonhandler if you want...THATS AWESOME! How to enter: 1. Write a freestyle story about anything you want. Make sure it's 2,500 words or less and make sure your name is nowhere in your submission 2. Send your submission to [email protected]. Put your name in the email so only I will know who wrote it. When I pass it along to the judges they won't know 3. ????? 4. Profit Deadline is January 10th! Love y'all
  17. Post of the year bro
  18. My ex got out of the shower once looking like a lobster lol
  19. Yeah I know. It's all the weed I smoked out of coke cans when I was 11
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