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Everything posted by That_One_Guy

  1. The fuck is that?
  2. I'm so judging
  3. ?
  4. You are the fucking man! I'll send you 25 cents
  5. Can it be here by 4? I'm baking cookies for my bros.
  6. Can I borrow sugar?
  7. Holy eff we're not neighbors lol
  8. Ohhhhh you're a central time dude.
  9. Can't multitask bruh?
  10. Anyone else playing Mario?
  12. I freaking LOVE hot stuff
  13. ....... Also! I want 50 wings. BARBEQUE! BONE OUT!
  14. Lungs are superficial
  15. Bro I'm already cool af I'm CEO 10k a day
  16. I just want to be cool dude.
  17. It makes me look cool. Cancer ain't shit bro
  18. I've never heard that one. I could just look it up. My problem is I'll be expecting old Alice in Chains. And even though it might be very good, I'll probably be disappointed. I had the same problem when I heard Sublime without Brad Nowell. It sucks that most of my favorite artists are dead.
  19. I used to have a bunch of CAs but people either borrowed them and never gave them back or they just got lost in moves. All I have now is an Alice in Chains Greatest Hits CD.
  20. That and Hell within not sure if that's the actual name. Also Down in a Hole. He was very underrated
  21. Feelsbadman
  22. And get milk and cigarettes
  23. I thought he was like 5'8"
  24. I want to get food but he has me pinned >_<
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