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Everything posted by That_One_Guy

  1. MERRY CHRYSLER! https://unevenedge.com/topic/22301-the-first-ever-uemb-writing-competition/
  2. Somebody said I was Stilgar and he seems cool so I guess I'll go with that
  3. Threads up: https://unevenedge.com/topic/22301-the-first-ever-uemb-writing-competition/ If you want to be a judge please PM me so nobody sees who I approve lol let's keep it anon
  4. Dude I never smile at anyone. I only smile at friends and beer
  5. Also! When you email your piece be sure to tell me who you are! Only I will know.
  6. It's funny because ever since I got here people have all been asking who I am and literally I have no idea who any of their guesses are
  7. Look a smiley face
  8. Sup everyone? It's come to my attention that there has yet to be a writing competition in this magnificent forum. It's about time we remedied that! So right here and right now I'm starting the first ever UEMB Writing competition! One of the things I loved about the old boards was the art and literature competitions. I feel like not only did it inspire creativity but it also brought us together as a community. It sort of gave us more of a reason to talk to each other. Let's be honest...we're kinda weird. Having said all that here is the meat and potatoes of the competition. 1. Freestyle short story (2,500 word limit). 2. Send all submissions to [email protected] 3. 1 entry per person 4. Deadline will be January 10th 5. Do not put your real name or board name anywhere on your work. Doing so will disqualify you. I'm in the process of looking for judges. If you are interested please PM me. I want potential judges to be anonymous. Also I'll find a place to post all of the pieces afterwards. With all that said, let's write! Best of luck to all of you!
  9. We can do it here or in PM. Either way is good for me. Honestly once I get my judges set in place, we can figure out the rest relatively quickly.
  10. This one time I had sex with this girl and she bought me a 300 dollar printer/fax/ scanner combo
  11. Can I have $60?
  12. Alright it definitely seems like everybody is down for this to happen. If any of you know of potential judges or want to judge yourself, message me. I only need 3 so it's pretty much whoever asks first. Then we can brainstorm about a prompt or theme. I'm pumped! This is gonna be awesome. Do we need an admins approval?
  13. I mean he's an obvious troll
  14. Lololololololol you sure? I don't know this kid.
  15. Sweeeeeeeeeeet
  16. So.. .You DIDN'T smash?
  17. You smash tho?
  18. You smash?
  20. And now you're a responsible adult!
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