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Everything posted by Chapinator_X

  1. I say "most likely" for Kaorin because there's moment where she tries to deflect when asked if she was gay, and insists that she's more Sakaki-sexual for the time being. Of course, there's a big difference between the teenage girl crush like she insists she has, and her actual behavior where she imagines wedding bells and rainbow flowers when chosen to dance with Sakaki or the intense jealousy she gets from any insinuation that one of the other girls slept next to Sakaki. Not minding if Sakaki was a guy is one clue-in towards bi, but, again, her emotional investment to Sakaki is too passionate to really go 100% exclusively straight attraction if it never works out for her.
  2. Kanbaru Sugura of Bakemonogatari is lesbian. George Koizumi from Paradise Kiss is bisexual. Not sure if Utena or Yuri Kuma Arashi was mentioned, but they are mostly gay/lesbian. The Dutchman from Samurai Champloo. Karorin from Azumanga Daioh I'm pretty sure is lesbian. Yumeshima from Love, Elections, and Chocolate is gay.
  3. I didn't choose this weeb life...it's just, not many men can fall out of temptation for more moe every season
  4. So you think you can ride this chocobo? Got Chocobucks? You better put them on this chocobo! Saddle up, if you think you can ride in this rodeo Are we in hell? I don’t know… to the dirt, let’s roll! You’re loco if you think you’re gonna hide this chocobo Everybody’s gonna wanna ride your chocobo It’s choco-loco style in a choco-rodeo Gonna ride him straight through hell in this chocobo rodeo!
  5. Or what does pot have to do with jerking it with the bros? Seems like extraneous information when the main goal is to avoid looking anywhere but at the shoddy hotel TV playing Skinemax.
  6. I remember Gamefaqs being incredibly shitty when it came to the regulations they expected of the website. The true answer, however, are most subreddit mods where you get autobanned for disagreeing with people.
  7. Chapinator_X


    ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
  8. 2016 just had to get Carrie too . I wonder how they'll handle Leia after VIII despite wanting to utilize Leia more for IX.
  9. Found out he was DJ EZ Dicc on the Doggystyle album as well as the funk radio guy from San Andreas. Rest easy, Harris.
  10. https://i.kinja-img.com/gawker-media/image/upload/s--I9rZ5omz--/c_fit,fl_progressive,q_80,w_636/zjxbjrmndapmoas7stmt.gif[/img]
  11. Cromartie Highschool Osomatsu-San Azumanga Daioh FLCL Sayonara Zetsubou-sensei Humanity Has Declined Samurai Champloo Evangelion JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Sabagebu
  12. How come we can treat Ice JJ Fish, the "Get Down Goblin" lady, and Rebecca Black like the worst of the worst, yet give this out of tune eardrum destroying dumpster fire a free pass by playing it all fucking holiday
  13. The new Glitter Force looks like it's gonna get freaky deaky
  14. Shut the fuck up, 2016!
  15. ASMB is dead!
  16. Got tipsy on caipirinha yesterday. Today looks like I'm following the same road with rum and beers
  17. No frozen poles around here, but I did have a freezer burnt fudgesicle
  18. The anime industry is very expensive, and some companies breathe down the necks of Western anime producers like Funimation and Sentai to make sure that they won't have to worry about Japanese fans getting their hands on cheap box sets. The Aniplex prices are about the same as Japanese prices for anime, if not more. What we see with Aniplex and the old Geneon model is what is implemented over there where it's $60 for 4 episodes. The concern comes from Western markets where you can get the entire series of Breaking Bad in America for around the same price as buying the first half of the new Fate/Stay Night anime in Japan. The even ground tends to be if you're not charging a fortune for your show, just keep shit high enough that we can profit from it without worrying about a decrease in domestic profits due to importing the Western release. Not the most amicable business model, but it's as lenient as it gets.
  19. The ending also evolved to include whichever recurring characters were introduced, and to incorporate Yoshikage Kira in the last couple frames with the diamond. The best JoJo one so far was probably at the end of the Egypt arc where Dio interrupts the OP to have a punching match with Jotaro
  20. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h4v3mikNm8E
  21. Gigantor, Pecan, A Pimp Named Slick Back, Kids on the Slope
  22. It's a win-win for humanity because it means the worst of the worst will only try to reproduce with robots, and give up on filling the future with more idiots.
  23. This gen is on par with the last one where it takes a while to start getting good games. The last good gen for early gaming is PS2/Xbox/GC, but for the last and current gen, there was and is no incentive to buy the systems brand new until the price drops when the good games start funneling in.
  24. What wine pairing goes best with Bagel Bites?
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