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J.M. Matthews

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Everything posted by J.M. Matthews

  1. Bigot shrink: Hmmm. "Tell me MORE About your life of sinning, er I mean, homosexual tendencies, Mochi. Let's talk about this." Just kid kidding man. Love ya!
  2. They don't say shit when you're PARKED NEXT TO THEIR HOUSE ALL DAY and NIGHT.
  3. You should kick his ass. It's not that hard.
  4. and WIFI cyberbullies who freeze your internet browser and PC!
  5. Earthbound Earthbound Earthbound. Zelda Zelda Zelda!
  6. The God of Manga and Anime.
  7. TATSUMI (still. I don't have enough time to watch entire movies in on sitting)
  8. lmfao, that's pretty funny.Yeah, sometimes I say babbling and nonsense.
  9. We live in the same house. he's and his family are broke as fuck, too.
  10. The First Noel (docudrama)- ABC
  11. OH boy! THis thread is just for me!
  12. It is, but he pisses me off so fucking much. I fucking hate that prick and his negro manface wife.
  13. I'd be much more impressed if you did that to me IRL... I'm letting you off with a warning,, and if you blow me, you won't even have to GET a day in court, Corrupt cops. See how the Justice system works..?
  14. Yes, we were very racist to the Japanese in WWII. Just like people are racist to arabs now with the other recent war.
  15. Yes, for someone who's not rich, lives mostly in isolation, and isn't employed by one specific client, I sure do have a busy schedule! It's tough sometimes. I tell people I can't chat much longer, they always as me "why?" Cuz a man's gotta work! If I just chatted with everyone, the system would get messed up.
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