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J.M. Matthews

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Everything posted by J.M. Matthews

  1. Do any of you actually READ my ComicFury Blog?? http://mono.thecomicseries.com/blog/ Do you even know it exists? Please bookmark it if you enjoy it...I'll update it as long as someone reads it.
  2. He's not abusive, is he? Please say no...Cuz I ain't no girl abuser...
  3. Yeah, I like how Blacksad demonizes bigots, zealots, murderers, corrupt businessmen, and racists. That's what they deserve.
  5. Is that good or bad? I can't tell. I don't know anything about your dad. Do tell.
  6. I WANT Nami and Aelita. But alas, she died.
  7. From now on, I'm only drawing girls I actually get to eat out and SEE naked. You gotta DRAW me, Joseph. Not unless I get to put my tongue inside you. I'm not a poser, like you.
  8. lmfao Nicole's a BITCH.If there's anyone I hated making famous MORE than Bryan and Lindsey, it's NICOLE!!!! AAAAAAARRGGH. I want to punch that bitch. Oh but when we were together she sure as hell had the nerve to pressure me into drawing her, so other people would know what she looked like. translation: I want everyone to see me with you on paper and computer screens the world over. I'm not gonna let you EVER fuck me, tho. You're a FREAK Joe." BURN.
  9. Oh yes, indeed she did. I'm fucking other pussies instead from now. Fuck that whore. Puppy love is for fucking f*ggots like Nicole and whoever she's married to now. If I date a girl, I want to FUCK. and I mean NOW. Long BEFORE marriage or proposal.
  10. Oh please. You just want to see her tits...
  11. Feel free to be as vague or specific and detailed as you want. I'll start. DirectTV: MTV Classic Roku: Netflix
  12. I'm just trying to keep my cool. Remember, adoptive parents. Not blood parents. THOSE kinds of parents ALREADY died on me.
  13. Nicole did something similar to me online. In 2002, She got intimate with me in Fort Lauderdale, let me sit on her bed while she put her underwear, jeans, and teeshirts away, tried to seduce me to have sex with her eventually, get up all up in her butthole, vajayjay, and panties (as long as she LET ME KISS HER first of course, which never happened) she was just WAITING for it. She kisses before she gets fucked by a guy How annoying. My REAL sex buddy (NOT NICOLE) I met in 2015 didn't even kiss me, we just got naked and fucked. She also couldn't stop praising me when we were Then we get separated by circumstances beyond our control. 10 years later I find Nicole's MySpace, Twitter Account, Photo Community, and Flickr accounts. She seems to be doing pretty well, NOT me though, so I try to reach out after 10 years. She doesn't send me one single fucking response. I sent 5-10. I'm like "What the fuck, Nicole. Didn't you miss me AT ALL, don't you know it's really me, JOE?? Your boyfriend?! or at the very least work husband!? She just intentionally seems to not give a fuck about me anymore. She's not THAT important. Compared to me anyway Anyway, my point is, someone once told me "Nicole plays games" 15 year long ones, apparently, It's all true how manipulative and distant she is. I've never had a hooker-type lead me on so much without a single bit of pay off. Nicole's a cock tease. She likes to tease your cock. I fuckin hate those kinds of women.
  15. lmfao. I CAN!!!
  16. AND comics and manga pages! http://jm-manga.deviantart.com
  17. AND music Albums https://play-it-loud.bandcamp.com/releases
  18. As for comics I'm working on: Here you go my friends
  19. I have some short stories, too. Post if you want to read those too...
  20. The Shadow Walker Chapter 1 Ed Wyzel is walking home from the comic book store when he encounters a Shadow Walker. Ed Wyzel had made his purchase at the comic book shop a few minutes ago. He had just left the comics shop on a humid Tuesday evening. Edward hated when it was humid out. It made him feel sweaty and slippery, as though he had been drenched by a hose with warm water, if the water was sweat. Just kind of gross. But he decided to do his best to ignore the weather, even though the news had been saying some pretty scary things about it on television which Edward watched a little bit of on Channel 5 before he watched the house. He also remembered seeing a news report about a local robbery that had happened at the Burger Emperor down the street. That didn’t stop him from buying cool comics either. Suddenly Edward snapped back to where he was: a few blocks down from Comics N’ Manga on his way down the side of the highway, walking down the middle class urban decay and pollution of the decaying sidewalk on the side of the road, walking past bus stops and strip malls. The whole area glowed with neon lights from the nighttime strip mall that was lit up. In the day, this area was kind of packed and it was better to drive, but Ed decided for this moment, walking home. He still had a few blocks to go. After a few turns onto neighborhood streets, Edward was almost home. There were not a lot of street lamps or well lit areas in his part of the city, particularly on Saint Lutheran Drive. It was 11:30 at night. Edward began to feel a bit creeped out by the darkness. He could feel something near where he was, not far from him. Something that was alive. He could sense something, blending in with the darkness. He was almost home, when he froze up. The thing lurking was closing in, he could sense it’s presence somewhere behind him. The near midnight sky had a few clouds in it, and numerous stars. Suddenly, there it was standing in front of him, the Black Leopard lurking in the street, glaring at him and growling violently. Edward was frozen in place with fear, he knew it had been a bad idea to go out at night. He had known there wasn’t something safe about this area he lived in and was creeped out by. His blood went cold, and he tried to run, but before he got the chance to he could feel the Leopard sinking its jagged fangs into his left ankle as he had turned around and attempted to run. As he looked down behind him, he could feel the muscles in his legs being ripped apart by the deadly Leopard that was attacking and killing him. As Edward passed out his comics he had been holding fell to the ground as he slowly passed out in a pool of his own blood as the Leopard began devouring his blood soaked body in a pool of blood. Why did it have to be like this? Why did I have to end up going like this?? Edward thought internally as he passed out from the pain as he feel the burning sensation of his lower body being mutilated by the Leopard. As a white light began appearing to him as he died, he could have sworn he saw the Black Leopard turn into something resembling a shadowy human figure that was standing over him waiting to die. Where to put the body? The Dark Figure asked.
  21. TEH IDENTITY CHAPTER 1 Dear Journal, My name is Edward Richards. I don't normally write things down, but as you may or may not know, my doctors and therapists all pretty much thought it would be a good idea for me to write down the events, emotions, and thoughts of my life. Yes, I'm a full grown man and I attend therapy sessions in my spare time. I know that sounds odd, but I really do feel as though it's helping me, so I'll keep at it for the time being. Peace Dear Journal, You ever have that creepy feeling your being watched, where someone's observing your wereabouts and behavior, and attempting to keep you from finding out about THEIR activities. I've been experienceing that feeling a lot in the last few years. But the real question is, what makes me so interesting, and who's doin the spying and intelligence gathering? All valid questions. So there's that mystery that's out in the open. Apparently I can't take a crap in a toilet bowel without the CIA knowing about it, or at least I suspect as such. But the real question is, what makes me so special. As far as I can tell I"m pretty normal. For instance, there's the vehicle parked across the street, the one that never moves. Just sits there with no one in it 80% of the time. I'll figure this shit out eventually, Peace Dear Journal, Please forgive me. I'm new this writing and journal log phenomena. When I was young, the whole idea of being a writer seemed kind of silly to me. Now I've grown accustomed to it a bit more, and I'm actually starting to enjoy it a bit more. I don't really work for a living. My birth father was a famous computer programmer, who provided coding for Microsoft and Apple, and worked alongside such tech luminaries as Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, and Steve Wozniak in his heyday. He wrote a lot of their early coding, and earned a moderate fortune from it. I inherited a lot of his money through his will when he died. But it all came at a price. He was not really a presence in my life, but apparently he cared very deeply about me despite that. My parental situation is complicated. Of course, since I'm 41 years old, I should probably be beyond all those childish notions like parenthood. And yet I'm not. Peace Dear Journal, As science tells us, Time is Relative. Sometimes it moves quite slow. Other times it moves very fast. The season of each year change like its nothing. The sky shifts textures and colors, from blue, to purple, to black, to yellow, to orange, to red, to indigo. In the eyes of a poet, that would have to be quite useful, the existentialist aesthetics and whatnot. Peace Dear Journal, Found a couple men in suits loitering next to my house in my yard again. Just what the hell they want is a different matter. I was getting out my mower to cut my lawn, and there they were, with black suits, ties, and sunglasses. Just standing in place, watching me. What the hell do you two want I said to one of them. That's classified information, he mouthed back. "Technically we can't tell you that," he said, almost sounding like he was brainwashed by higher forces. Then WHY THE FUCK ARE YOU ON MY LAWN YOU MOTHERFUCKER! I've had it with these guys. I'd call the cops if I thought it would make a difference. But the Men in Black usually have jurisdiction that ranks about police officers, meaning the cops can't touch them, which fucking pisses me off. Listen, I told him. If I keep seeing you guys tresspassing on my property, I'll be bringing weapons with me especially for you to. Comprende'? He continued giving me the secret agent silence treatment, and it infuriated me. I returned to the living room of my house, as the agents waved at me with a faked innocence that pissed me off even more. I've got to do something about those government agents, I thought. But what?... Peace
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