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J.M. Matthews

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Everything posted by J.M. Matthews

  1. lmfao Take that WITCH! Now stand trial! This is Salem after all.
  2. TATSUMI - Amazon anime films Not anywhere near the quality of Tatsumi's Gekiga manga, but still very good. Kind of feels like a motion comic anime.
  4. Okay, FINE, have you orgy incest party. See if I care!
  5. Family isn't JUST About sex. You people do know that, right?
  6. If I had a lot of extra time, sure i'd love to, but I'm so busy. I don't have enough time to manage something like that. I've already come to terms with the fact that I'm too busy to have my own TV show........ I barely have enough free time to post here on UEMB like I used to on ASMB. I have a career now unfortunately.
  7. Actually I've never brought it up to him. But I do observe some of his behavior. Total queer in hiding.
  8. Dammit, I'm not gay. I'm straight.
  9. No you're an Asian hottie. No one cares what you are....I mean that in a good way as in you don't have to worry about it.
  10. Not if you're his brother........
  11. Yeah, you're gonna want to google Plex app. Plex lets you play your computer videos on your computer, and transfers them to your Roku. There are apps on Roku that let your STREAM your OWN video file collection privately without having to upload. But you kind of have to understand video file management to get it to work
  12. You should marry me, we could watch roku together in bed! If you like stuff like CrunchRoll, Funimationnow, Netflix, and streaming video files I recommend it. Do you use Plex?
  13. Oh wait, I thought you said "useless". I was like WHAT GIRL?? But now I see you said "useful' not "useless" No! It's very useful. I love it, but it's just different from Amazon. I give roku two thumbs up. What apps do you use on yours...???
  14. He has a wife and kids, but looks at gay porn and hooks up with men (sorry, typo, NOT ME. I'm straight) the driveway, without anyone but me knowing about this. Really homophobic. Likes Brokeback mountain cuz of the gay man on man sex scene. walks around like a hairy shirtless homo. He's afraid to come out. Total bisexual! He hates queer culture, yet embraces it subconsciously
  15. Yay! a link. I love link(s)
  16. No, not the animation, who distributes the DVD and broadcast on streaming services. Or is it too balls deep in Japan subland for that yet?
  17. If you say so...
  18. Yeah, but that generations dead now, don't blame their kids....
  19. True true. Mostly black kids who didn't do anything....
  20. Finally got my Roku and Amazon Fire TV Stick Working on my own. Just started watching: The Legend of Snow White season 1 episode 2 on Amazon anime. It's so pretty delicate and fragile, like all 80s anime TV shows, I freaking love it! I want more 80s anime and franime!
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