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J.M. Matthews

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Everything posted by J.M. Matthews

  2. OH man, LMFAO. That's a whole new way to look at anime. COMIC-CON, where all the best online porn videos get made. lmfao.
  3. There's TONS of negative. An ocean. Being happy and positive is a full time job...Just like being sexy and beautiful. You think Tara Strong doesn't have to put in WORK to look and sound that way??
  4. Trolling is like Nascar and Superhero Execs. It's dominated by misogynists and sadistic men.
  5. I tend to avoid interacting with that kind of stuff. Not interested, Girls.
  6. Caifornia is so porny in TONS of ways Don''t get me freaking started.
  7. Ha ha! Gross. Personally, I don't plan on making or being in THAT sort of thing......probably ever.
  8. No, I always figured he hated me, oh wait, SHE hated me...
  9. Yeah, Girl power. I SUPPOSE girls can troll too. Razz fracking feminism, sjw, and equal rights garbage.
  10. https://www.thewrap.com/hollywood-2018-new-order-netflix-facebook-amazon-disney/
  11. Is fuggs actually a she? I was so super positive he was a dude. Girls don't troll as much as men. For the most part apparently..
  12. Actually, cosplay porn has become surprisingly normal. Pornhub or some porn site has a whole section of it. Anime groupies are so hot, man! Those anime pros are so lucky.
  13. World End Ep1 | Broken Chronograph
  14. I signed with the NFL. And Capital Records for a musical athlete recording contract.
  15. FOR MEEEE!!!?? You guys SHOULDN't have. Heh heh heh. Pussy and stuff.
  16. Spielberg has ALWAYS been about Greed and being greedy. Why is greed ONLY bad? What if someone's poorer than you. You think that person who ISN'T getting paid cares as little about money as you do? in media I'd rather make money, than rot in an African hut or prison, like Nelson Mandela or a starving child. That's how people get that rich, they ARE greedy. They WANT money to begin with. I might become rich like that some day, but I made that choice, I had to willingly say YES, I do want to get paid someday. He's no worse or better than a Miyazaki, a Otomo, John Woo, Tarantino, Kevin Smith, a Mamoru Oshii, an Eichiiro Oda, a Jamie Hewlett, a John Lasseter, a Michael Bay, or Orson Welles. They all signed a contract book, that ALLOWS them to make money. We don't know what ANY of those guys are like up close, especially these days, in THIS generation. They see the hate, and become a Spongebob, more defensive than EVER. They go back into their turtle introvert shells for safety. People like You scare the SHIT out of Spielberg and would never be able to work with them, because they ARE that critical. You really think that's going to get you a JOB??? Talking about people that way. He IS that. He IS a mainstream filmmaker, and mainstream filmmakers care about money and gains. He just doesn't get AS much criticism, but he gets more than he did when his power peaked. He's no different than he was in the 1990s, his films are just as good. But he's nicer about his own success than most recent Hollywood players, on the surface anyway. It SEEMS to work for him. How is this possible? His brand was established a long time ago, long before the web 2.0 and social media. He doesn't have to put himself out there like a Kanye, Bieber, Sheen, or Kardashian, who are technically just as good as what they do as him. But we're stuck smack dab in the middle in a generation of accusatory mentalities, cruelty, meanspiritedness, and hypercriticism. It works like this. You're a Spielberg, or if you work outside of L.A., in Paris or Texas, you're a "homophobically racist, pedophile nazi zealot" a Kanye, Michael Jackson, R Kelly, Mel Gibson, Michael Richards or Beiber, who get the majority of the unwarranted hate I bet YOU couldn't handle that many attacks, whoever famous that's making the rounds, not because you "are that bad" you're not. But because you struggle, that turns some people of a certain disposition on. They get a hard-on from bullying you online and at public events. Some pros don't have to do that anymore. Hollywood is glorified just as much now, but therer's that accusatory attitude professionals and amateurs think they "need" to have, you know, instead of actually writing a SCRIPT. Let's not WORK! Let;s just sit on our asses and WHINE about shit! And maybe get paid to do it! Not much, but SOME! There ISN'T a blockbuster movie that isn't made in the name of greed. That's why they're not drawing comics. They CARE ABOUT getting paid.. Some fields just pay better. Like Hollywood, or Silicon Valley, but the entire system IS based on greed. That doesn't make it not watchable
  17. Are cons fun? You can't really judge how enjoyable a social situation by video alone. There's more to it than that, I'm sure. Lots of stuff to do, lots of stuff to buy, fans to meet...Etc.
  18. Man, I had no idea how horny some cosplay girls were....
  19. Whoa. Steer clear of HER at the Expo...
  20. Whooo boy. I'm gonna have a porngasm.
  21. Cosplay porn? Online?
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