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J.M. Matthews

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Everything posted by J.M. Matthews

  1. My Hero Academia episode 11, Funimation.com
  2. That man works WAY Too hard. I'd be so fatigued if I tried to reach THAT level of chi.
  3. Post your deviantart link, IF YOU DARE! http://jm-matthews.deviantart.com
  4. So that's an O.C. I'm guessing?
  5. Oi Vey. Finish what you start. I was I could tell that to my unfinished comic book and novel...
  6. Being a CN and Adult Swim executive that goes with the pop crap should be a federal offense. As bad as tampering with UPS packages. SUCK!
  7. Deed somewoon saye Arry Potta. Ello, I'm Arry Potta!
  8. I don't do reviews. I do one-liner reviews. Here is a failed Haiku Ducktales Not as good as the original But you gotta try Still very good by today's standards. Not mean like Gumball and Clarence the bully kids.
  9. Trick or Treat Hard Candy Uzumaki Unfriendead Not for the faint of heart.
  10. ActionToonTV http://www.ustream.tv/channel/UgXMvPfW4YE http://www.toonamiaftermath.com http://www.adultswim.com/videos/streams/toonami http://original.livestream.com/blocks_archive (toonduderedux, of YouTube channel fame) Myyyyyyy Channel. And a few others of course. Can't win a battle alone, people. So I choose you, Streaming Pikachu! Not spamming. I just like this stuff. Sheesh.
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