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Everything posted by Jman

  1. I've been looking for the Not Sucking Saturdays ads to no avail.
  2. Calling cracks at OP slander proves you're no better.
  3. When you're not in Moose, we all have a laugh at the ratings, calm down, and then rinse and repeat. But you argue and argue and everyone argues with you. You are the issue.
  4. Well licensing prevents anyone from airing it regularly. But an April Fools airing hurts no one.
  5. Pretty much this. It's not racist, anti-Semetic, or homophobic. It's just...stupid. We're mocking it because it's stupid. We want to see it again to laugh at it.
  6. Hate like that for me is usually reserved for something genuinely offensive to a culture or nationality. I don't remember 4Kids going off on races or cultures or faiths or anything like that. It was a dub that made a silly show sillier.
  7. I would say it was unfair but given the shows ASA aired...no, it was completely justified.
  8. Well that's because the OP horse has been beaten to death over several years with everyone save Moose having abandoned and condemned the show.
  9. Also most of the anime audience has migrated to On Demand services like Netflix and Crunchyroll.
  10. There's nothing to contribute since these conversations go around in circles and it ends with the same thing, a lot of ill will and bad ratings. Hiatus isn't even fun to rag on like OP is. I'd rather the show left the network and never bothered anyone again but barring that airing at 2:30-3 would be just fine. No amount of pseudo-intellectual posturing is going to convince anyone this show is must see TV.
  11. Your ability to be offended over people disliking this kids show is quite perplexing.
  12. So I guess the lesson is - Fuck Hiatus x Hiatus.
  13. Also GITS is getting worse ratings. Because it's old. And overrated. And the movie is going to be a shitpile.
  14. I think he meant without an undo button.
  15. Just saw Lego Batman. Amazing.
  16. Just because One Piece sucks doesn't make people haters.
  17. We need the ratings. They are very important and ignoring them will not make the consequences go away.
  18. My bad. I meant to say Lazzo. That was also the same Reddit interview where he addressed the lack of women writers but that is another can of worms.
  19. JoJo is over in ten weeks, not ten years.
  20. You just admitted to losing. Because you have no recourse. As usual. Your show bombs and it's all "b...but the experts...". Toonami is not run like a normal network. We should have realized that when DeMarco admitted to going to bat for OP repeatedly when cancellation was suggested AND DESERVED. The only reason, and both Lazzo and Small admitted this ON THE RECORD, for not selling the Metalocalypse rights back to Smalls, was because Lazzo PERSONALLY DID NOT LIKE IT. Ratings? Fan base? The money? Doesn't matter. He said the show was getting "too plot heavy" and cancelled it for that reason. He didn't like it, so therefore no one likes it and it has to die. Shit like that is why Adam Reed is with FX and shows that would have been on CN five years ago like Voltron are Netflix exclusives. Straight up, if Thundercats debuted this year instead of 2011, it would be on Netflix and wouldn't have been cancelled. Might have sucked less too.
  21. If it was cost, he would have sold the rights to Small when he offered to buy them, not go "Not for sale, this show stays dead." All the while One Piece of Crap and Hiatus x Hiatus continue to pollute the airwaves with apathy and low ratings.
  22. Or we have fun at the expense of cry babies and people watch the show for a change.
  23. Just remember that Hiatus and OP still air but DeMarco not only cancelled Metalocalypse in spite of its ratings, but won't even sell the rights to Brendon Smalls. I'll let that sit with all of you.
  24. Have fun slogging through literally HUNDREDS of episodes at a glacial pace! wink
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