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Everything posted by death_by_motorboat

  1. on the second read, it sounds like they may have dealt with this drunk/addict several times before
  2. lets pin this on the list of things that are important, ok? you want to know how to avoid being pissed off you got banned? dont get banned.
  3. how did they wake him? could you tell how he passed out or what was wrong?
  4. if there were things set in place to prevent overages it would be a fair game. there could be some kind of policy that enforces maximum wins and maximum losses based on the account holders net worth to prevent suicide its just kind of heartless to take $6,000 away from a poor family because someone was drunk and stupid other than that i love gambling
  5. you can gamble, up to a certain amount. after that its addiction and mania, its a disgusting illness, like incontinence and vomiting, but its profitable if you catch all the excess college tuition, baby formula, rent money, car payments, child support, alimony, and drug/hooker money that gets accidentally spilled into your gambling establishment's piss-trough.
  6. horse..... ......raddish
  7. bruce willis, wesley snipes, and jackie chan no wait master splinter, he man, and the lone ranger
  8. http://pluto.tv/watch/action-movies?utm_source=chr-app&utm_term=4986810311021506275 Valkyrie
  9. even if you are completely in control, sadist, or take anything you want, most of it is still rat/cheese effect
  10. that she wants to be filled by you. hole-crotched. hole-crotched. hole-crotched-eeeeeeeeeeeded
  11. sell him the stuff he tries to outsell you on forever. in infinity years he will have gotten ahead 0%, and have no foreseeable profits.
  12. theyre both hungry and havent eaten in over a day. they quickly decide to order food with the money and then walk the wallet and phone to the pd. so one says he'll order and the other sets up a place for them to eat when the food arrives. when they were waiting one asks, "hey what did you order?" he gets the response, "i ordered my favorite. the garbage bag from in front in Vinnys pizza. delivery guy said 10 minutes."
  13. are you expecting "world war sea?"
  14. i used to get scared to let my cat go out in traffic and because neighborhood cat haters
  15. i guess not having never heard the word before. i was thinking dumb but mildly humorous, if that helps...........?
  16. that there are few things that are right in the world those few isolated luxuries we provide our consciousness and psyche, the reward we give ourselves for believing in our selves, just doing those few things to keep our eyes on the ball, to stay focused and get through the day, are what save the planet everyday. so all your idiosyncrasies are equal to super powers that save the world everyday. we are a walking cliche not of whats wrong and whats right, but whats wrong and fucking normal to you! now go save the goddam world!
  17. i think stephanie is zenis hand
  18. no and thats funny, my mom mentioned on my drunk ride home that she didnt remember packing it up or who took the leftovers.
  19. arachnid extraterrestrials would be huge. at least the size of footballs or VW's
  20. but i feel so damned
  21. umm, thats not love. its a fart. i farted. sorry
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