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Everything posted by death_by_motorboat

  1. right after pers and luuv lifted my perma for pitting folders against each other, (to which i still maintain my innocence), and there were a few of us swimming and talking about philly cheese steaks and what we put on them, who knows the exact recipe, what cheese, bread, toasted/untoasted that kind of thing.... who the fuck is the guy we all know that has his own permanent recipe, viper maybe? who was it rogue? some reason im also thinking lasty and two others... but i cant remember the SNs of the two others... who here has a precise method for philly cheese steaks? reason why im asking is that thread is solely responsible for my recent taste in gourmet sandwiches. i invented a philly cheese steak thats got nearly every recipe combined. its giant sloppy and tasty.
  2. what about when im not reading it? when i look away, will you stop liking me? am i supposed to be scared?
  3. @KN i was creating an alt and i got the message i didnt not pass the security check
  4. the appeal to kids wasnt there that long ago. there might be a few hours of kids programs a day, and it wasnt an american necessity until electronics were geared towards kids. until the 1980's tvs were kind of "just furniture." itd be weird and spoiled for kids to have their own until video games came out. computers are different shit. most people did not have their own computer until it became normal to get email which was after 1995. almost all families shared one computer until the late 1990s early 2000s
  5. i feel like im in limbo between what i can figure out about the possibilities of life and what i am capable of, and im satisfied knowing its at least important enough to consider on one level. also, that this question is in my life helps me imagine it, because i am met with all i need to survive right now without success i think purpose comes with satisfaction. if you are capable and want to do it and have success or gain in it, its purpose enough to live for.
  6. whats supposed to make me the geious idunno, fuck 9.9 for anonimity 0.1 for unoriginal
  7. my wife preferred to leave without planning ahead, so it was a scary situation when she would run out of money. one time she left me for a week after a few suicidal episodes, and there was severe emotional problems including both her parents dying and the birth and placement of our kid, there was dependence on alcohol on her part and me always struggling to get by. i told the cops i didnt know where she was in case she hung herself in the woods, (hey the bitch married me right? why is she disappearing to allentown for a week?) so when the cops asked her why i reported she might be in danger, she didnt even have to come home, or she could have pressed charges a 100 times and she did sometimes and dealing with that worked out easy because she wanted to live together still, so the court order was just to keep us from fighting and we decided we could work it out and she dropped it like a saint. and i love her for that. and easy because she kept it a legal situation and didnt let it come between us and dropped the charges, then we stayed together another two years of fighting anyway.
  8. that was a very good pic with a positive message so i didnt think that was creepy. it was actually a funny icon and i thought you liked it? are you saying you wanted it to mess with me because i didnt notice yours looks like a dream-demon stalking its mortal carrier 6.9 out of 9.9 or i mean it looks like something is possessing somethings brain 4/9
  9. sometimes.
  10. i have binges with alcohol but i dont have alcoholism. if you can chug-a-lug tequila straight in big gulps until youre too dizzy to stand more than four or five times a week its time to slow down. if you like vodka enough to get through the bottle without slowing down, and end up getting another bottle as soon as the store opens, its time to slow down. if you think you can function on a full bottle of rum or whiskey, like youre completely in control, its time to slow down. but ive never craved it for more than a week or two consecutively.
  11. you should take a pic and bookmark this thread for when the whites come in bunches
  12. well i know we have niche fetishists and some cammers so i was actually wondering if anyone faps together
  13. why, do you want to get bent over?
  14. i think i saw that being talked about on lithium too, but in the context that people fell asleep naked and a boob slipped out, or a drunk person flashed the camera.
  15. what? you are making me look like a tease... no i wasnt offering. although i guess we can as long as its under spoiler tags. but i was wondering if any cam sex goes on here over the years
  16. and you know when i fap alone, i prefer to fap by myself
  17. i was picturing more like a porn thread with the intention of a group fap.
  18. are there fap rooms im unaware of?
  19. i wanted to post this like a question. for example: When do rarities like Abby and Brittany become involved in some factor of "real versus TV invention?" where do decide if what average people believe is because of opinion and persuasion or knowledge and fact?
  20. post the freakish, from news you cant believe, to weirdest random finds, to myths people live by. my entry is going to be abby and brittany hensel. i appreciate your entries.
  21. because they are holy matrimony. gentically preordained monarchs sent here by god himself.
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