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Doom Metal Alchemist

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Everything posted by Doom Metal Alchemist

  1. So how about that goatse?
  3. I'm irrationally afraid of bees, yellow jackets, wasps, etc.... I was either in the my 30s or late 20s when I first got stung. I was lying on one of those pool mats in the pool with my eyes closed, when I felt a tingling on my toes. Knew it was a bug, shook my foot a little bit to try and scare it off, but it came right back, so I shook my foot harder, then it stung me on the arch of my foot.
  4. "Do you even lydian, bro?" Nope, I'm too busy raiding the phrygian.
  5. The colder a soda is, the better it is.
  6. Most of the world indulges in our pop culture as much as we do.
  7. And at the oscars he was just practicing for this role.
  8. It's funny because it's true:
  9. I think Sawdy would have something to say about this.... One time my dad bought Schweppe's just because the store was out of Canada Dry. Turns out Schweppe's is actually better, IMO. Can't remember my dad's opinion though. He hasn't bought ginger ale in quite a while.
  10. I like her everything. Although one thing I have learned at work is just because someone's cute with a covid mask on, doesn't necessarily mean they are cute with their mask off.
  11. Should've spelled it "Futbol."
  12. Jerry was having flash backs of the Michael Richards incident.
  13. This one's for you, @That_One_Guy:
  14. Watching Young Sheldon..... don't know if I can handle Jason Alexander not sounding like George Costanza.
  15. When drama happens because of the "game of telephone" phenomenon..... fun fun fun....
  16. Obligatory:
  17. Who the hell is this Xavier guy? He gets around on the zingers.
  18. Fuck. You just reminded me I have to do laundry tonight.
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