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Everything posted by pneumantion

  1. Never eat someone else's barf. Only eat your own.
  2. A barbie doll.
  3. I used to be that way until I got schizophrenia. Now I'm wired all the time. Somebody's out to get me!
  4. I would smoke all that up.
  5. What I meant is it rains along the cold front, then it gets colder behind it without rain, just clouds. You're basically seeding clouds with the baking soda into the cold conditions where there is moisture but not enough to fall without seeding but it has to be wet for the baking soda to stick and splatter on the roadways so it doesn't blow off until it dries on the roadway where cars and semi's blow a little off at a time in a training effect to the downwind areas. I will admit, the situation for it to work doesn't come up that often. Gotta have that big stationary low pressure system and those are far between.
  6. My pastor says blueberry waffles are the devil's food because it's too fancy. Plain waffles for me. I'm not going to hell.
  7. Maybe I'm reaching out to you. You all are a select group of people that I choose to share it with. There will be more to come in the future I think.
  8. Pinecone in the bunghole sounds like winning to me.
  9. I did it back in 2011. I threw it out on I-57 near Carbondale, IL and watched a swath of Kentucky get 5-7 inches of snow in a snow band that lasted 12 hours. Looked like lake effect snow coming from Carbondale. Why wouldn't I be serious.
  10. I like a good pinecone fight.
  11. If you can catch a cold front going thru that's going to drop the temperature below 32 degrees and there's rain along that cold front, throw out baking soda on the tops of the hills while the road is wet (so the baking soda will stick, otherwise if it's dry out, the baking soda will blow off the road). You also need a strong stationary low pressure system north or northwest of you. I know this works because I am your rain teacher.
  12. They ain't touching nothing but my weiner.
  13. So sue me.
  14. You have a zulu brain.
  15. Go for it ghosty! She might be your future wife!
  16. You can find hubbb @ http://www.hubbbreturns.freeforums.net and invite him here if you want to.
  17. Now you can spend more on premium ramen noodle.
  18. That's cause Jackman has 2 pistols under that jacket. He's just lulling you with his coffee/whiskey mug waiting for you to make a move.
  19. Go throw baking soda out on the roads man.
  20. I got a wrapper. Condoms
  21. pneumantion vs. mthor for king of the world. Only $99 on pay per view.
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