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Everything posted by pneumantion

  1. I know how to control the weather and stop global warming and climate change. We could throw ourselves into a new Ice Age if we wanted to. That is all.
  2. She calling you pregnant.
  3. Hookers.
  4. Yeah, I follow him on facebook. He's got high blood pressure and schizophrenia. At least that's what I can tell from what his mom posts on his wall. I think that if we contained him to one thread, he'd be fine with it. That's what I did on my forum rainteacher.freeforums.net and he has stayed pretty much in his own thread.
  5. You can find hubbb at hubbbreturns.freeforums.net. I post there in the shout box. He's got a physical address. I sent him $100 without him knowing it and he thanked me for it. Hubbb isn't a robot.
  6. It's all my doing. I control the weather.
  7. Fine, I will control the weather on an Indian reservation then. *poof* you're the law. My raindance brings all the boys to the yard anyway.
  8. Put 1 tbl salt in 1 quart of warm water and gargle and snort it up your nose. to snort it just pour our a little in the cupped palm of your hand and give yourself a head shot.
  9. Are you threatening me? Cause I'll turn you into the law.
  10. Hey, the crow is my family's animal....like if we were animals, we'd be crows....er maybe it is the crow to the queen...hell...I don't know what I'm talking about.
  11. It'll be autumn when I say it's autumn. I control the weather. The farmers need hot weather to bloom out the cotton right now...so I'm giving it to them. August was like autumn here. High 70's for highs back in the day.
  12. Lettuce head is the best.
  13. pneumantion


    All day long.
  14. Talk about the rain party. >
  15. The tooth fairy will be by shortly to give you your reward.
  16. Yeah, it says you are not allowed access.
  17. I really wanna see dumpster fires!!!
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