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Everything posted by katt_goddess

  1. It's far worse than that. The deepest parts of MAGAt land are teeming with incels. They believe there is only one cure for lesbians.
  2. I think with a lot of these auto-vote for R places, it's become a matter of not bothering to actually think. It's comfort voting - 'I voted the way my family has always voted and everything is just great for us!'. Most of the horrors that land on the backs of 'others' don't touch them personally. But now you've got literal idiots invading every sector of government and gutting everything that doesn't benefit them personally. It's gone beyond just 'eggs are too high'. It's now 'bird flu is in the milk and has been passed on to pets and humans' while the CDC is gutted and the asshole with a dead brain worm in charge of it all thinks you need more liquid silver in your diet. They are tariffing metals used to package even the cheapest of foods [ soup -and- beer ]. If anyone thinks this isn't going to hit the Redhats of Trailer Park Town, guess again. You messed with their beer now. And yes, I'm horribly aware that democrats don't often seem to want to be bothered with actively fighting back no matter what the alternatives are. I live in a red state after all. Surrounded by farmers who seem to have forgotten that it was Drumpf's stupidity last time that cost them their crops and their export deals and this time, there's no returning from any of that because the end game is bankruptcy for all family farms and plantations for the rich. That happened near here too. Some guy wandered into the local prison claiming to be ICE and left with a prisoner. Turns out the prisoner was a friend of his and called him for help so dude just walked over there and literally walked him out of the prison before the real ICE could show up. The 'very big bad guy illegal' was pulled over for driving without a license or some such petty shit. In farm country, its practically a rite of passage to drive without a license because that's the only way to get all the equipment to the proper field in decent time.
  3. There is that but there's also the very high possibility that if they can't ensure that they keep themselves in power, the highest gumbies in the group literally grab the loot and run. If the frickin' democrats can put someone forward and push the messaging out that all the shit currently going on is from the gop running wild and unchecked, don't necessarily count it out. Especially if social security, Medicare and Medicaid have been officially plundered by then. Since these decisions are being made by rich/fake rich idiots that seem to think no one will notice if money is slow because they've never had to worry too much about their bills, they likely don't realize that everyone else will notice that stuff isn't getting paid on time and prices have exceeded budgets. This is 100% Dumpster Administration so start voting them off the island.
  4. Translation - the half dozen he hasn't managed to completely piss off yet/are so far up his butt they are in danger of suffocation were asked to leave a message telling him looks pretty and is very smart and he plays those over and over again.
  5. I hate nausea days. The neighbors are supposed to fear my belches, I'm not supposed to be afraid it's going to be a blerch.
  6. I think the possibility of drowning from an encounter like this is a bigger factor than being officially swallowed. But it was still definitely something to see caught on tape. Most of the time it's just people getting punted into the water when a whale surfaces under them.
  7. You do realize that RFK Jr. is just going to shove that bat up his own ass while claiming it cures cancer, right? And then no one will be allowed actual medicine because only wire-covered bats will be allowed per the Human Cigarette. Don't cheerlead for a new Dark Age because your ass will be hanging just like everyone you thought would be punished.
  8. Blue states should start suing red states for criminal abuses towards children since they appear to support being stupid as f*ck.
  9. 'X left me a snack for later.' referring to the boogers on the desk. Look forward to him referring to how he got an 'official' Native American name too. He was doing some sort of liars rally to an Indigenous group and they gave him a plaque of some kind that listed him as 'Walking Eagle'. Walking Eagle is an insult. It's what you call someone who is so full of shit they can't fly.
  10. 'You aren't the real president. You need to go away.' He also said 'You need to shush your f*cking mouth. F*ck you.' Gee. I wonder where he picked up that sort of language.
  11. It gets scanned by a vet/the pound if found and that's how they access the info. It's just a passive note. You can access that file yourself as the owner in order to change necessary info like new address/new phone but through the website of the company that holds that info. But if there isn't a place holding all that info for the scanner to ping, it might not work anymore. I think it would be like trying to access the old boards from an archived link - you'd just get an error.
  12. Yep, the dude that did heroine for 17 years and looks and sounds like a human cigarette is now going to be in charge of all the health things. By the time he's done, you won't have health care and you won't be able to afford food either but that's okay because all your teeth will have fallen out anyway.
  13. Just claim they are spaceX rockets. I celebrate Feb 15 - Cheap Chocolates Day. I swear if that trailer trash 'ho clears out the shelves at CVS again this year, there will be violence.
  14. He needs to be supervised when handling those things otherwise he'll either stick it up his nose or eat it at this point.
  15. He was a D- student even when someone else was taking his tests for him. Unless it's a graph stating that he is awesome no matter what [ you know, like those used for preschoolers that finally get through a full day at school without shitting themselves ], he doesn't want to see it. This is the same jackass that said during the pandemic that if we stopped testing [ and reporting ], the whole thing would go away. Now he's just going to go straight to that for everything - no studies needed, just his demented word that its great.
  16. Naw. This is too little, too late to try to set his legacy as anything other than shitty turtle that obstructed anything and everything that would benefit actual taxpayers for decades.
  17. I want to work on my taxes. Its really cold out and you can feel it through the walls. Kitten does not like cold. Kitten has crawled up on to my chest and farted herself asleep on the human heating pad. I'm not working on my taxes.
  18. Dumpster is pulling the funds. Duh.
  19. What ceasefire? They've been bombing the shit out of the place this entire time and have only allowed maybe one bag of aid through for every 100 brought to the border. Further, kindly explain how anyone is expected to 'adhere' to the deal when you have a giant sack of shit going on the record as saying he's now going to just take the land entirely from the people that live there, purge everyone that lived there one way or the other, and turn it into waterfront condos?
  20. If that was the case, all the games she ever attended would have had boos. Funny how its only the one game that Pumpkin Tits showed up to that had that particular problem.
  21. Fixed. We know he saw them on the late night tv. And all three have a history of being on Faux Noise.
  22. I found cat puke with my bare foot. I think my foot needs to come off now.
  23. She's cold so now I'm trapped in the recliner while she gets comfy and sheds on me.
  24. It's like he doesn't realize that the types of people who would actively buy and wear that would lynch him in a second without bothering to check who he is.
  25. Well hell, i think potato bug is registered through someone else but still. These places should have it set up to transfer info to another holder so people don't have to freak out.
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