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Everything posted by Xanatos

  1. Pshh hahahahaha years of alcohol abuse has saved my mind and soul.
  2. Traitor
  3. This..all of this. You stack boxes...own it...nothing to be ashamed of till you try to boast about it.
  4. Is safely locked away from this world. Rogues ban hammer protects us all.
  5. Wanted to watch it...6:22 seems like a hell of an investment tho. Tldr...too long didn't watch
  6. Hey big boy...I see you on red dead on psn now and then. You bring your cowboy and I'll bring mine and we'll go play broke back mountain ? Show you where you can holster that gun. Cause their cowboys you pervert......also the buttsex.
  7. It's not cause he liked you....it's a thing most GameStop's are doing...the games valued so low they give it away trying get some customer loyalty. Like " hey remember we so hooked you up last time with stuff..please save us!! We have familys!!" You aren't special game stop is just desperate, but then again that's your type.
  8. Xanatos

    Laid off.

    Yes it can be confusing..they do that on purpose. Keep your head up..just file.. they say no least you tried. Make sure to keep looking for gig and hope for the best.
  9. Xanatos

    Laid off.

    I think it varies by state. I know where I'm from you have to work there for a min of a year so you'd be good there. Check online or ask. Apply anyway. Worst they can say is no.
  10. Xanatos

    Laid off.

    To qoute a man I know. Ollie's sells insurance?
  11. I think you mean "where the fuck is lb's" I think you can take him.
  12. You make alotta people feel like that.
  13. Wow way to kill a guys ego
  14. You get some guys to carry it..like those chicks who carry the back of the bride's dress at fancy weddings. Your dick holders
  15. Tell her I said "Sup"
  16. You said this was between us!!! I ask for one picture of Grimmice and hamburgler in thong bikinis and riding ponys and suddenly I must wanna fap to it? Well I do so can you hurry that up about?
  17. The movie is called stranger danger. They need protection from my hugs...the tagline is. "They need an adult"
  18. @lupin_bebop for loving me too hard. It's a crime in the lower states
  19. Honestly expected it to say edited by rogue
  20. Where I'm from we call that 5 pm.
  21. She probably has your Maury DNA test episode saved on her phone. She can see him anytime.
  22. Happy Father's day daddy. Oh wait I'm not supposed to call you that here......uhh nothing to see here move along. I mean a dick that big daddy just comes with the territory.
  23. What I got from this is alotta people said happy Father's day to you. So they think you look like a guy......I could see it. Happy Father's days
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