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Sofa King Kule

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Everything posted by Sofa King Kule

  1. Make it a master's degree in the history of bagels.
  2. Pretty kitty :3
  3. See, people? The project in progress does not count. Only the finished project does. The very same always holds true, no matter what the project happens to be. Is your project a house? A career? An investment strategy? A nation? When it starts out terrible and it's transformed over time, reflecting on its past is good for making future improvement. It's never good to say that its past spoils its present and future.
  4. I think his last name was Jize.
  5. Do you support less taxation, more guns, expanded mental health services, high speed rail and local control of education?
  6. The movie is really that old? Sheeze... It seems like only last week.
  7. Washed every sheet and blanket. Still had time for extra coffee and shop for a new beater watch before arriving at work.
  8. I haven't mowed a lawn in thirty five years and hope I never do again. I don't see why anyone goes for that chore.
  9. That's what food thermometers are for. 180 degrees, center. I like my chicken well done.
  10. The ones I ate had the actual cigarette logos on them. Pall Mall, Marlboro and Camel were all represented.
  11. A Jitney is like a bus, except that the driver is owner/operator.
  12. The Noid has never wrecked a Baltimore Grill pizza.
  13. Disco music comes to mind. But, Cyber can look at a cactus and see racism.
  14. Sing it with all the wrong notes and a Russian accent.
  15. I put my life at risk, every time I ride a Jitney. Did you see the way those people drive?
  16. Why is she hollering and making hand gestures at her rear view mirror?
  17. La donna รจ mobile! Oh, what I ain't, today!
  18. He changed his mind. "Ahh... What's the point?"
  19. That's a business with a real head full of how. It's going places.
  20. Makes every guy look like a Benny Hill character.
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