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Everything posted by Sandstone

  1. Mmmmm creamy.
  2. Please tell me you didn't get blood in the sourcream.
  3. You don't have to call anyone out bud. We all know your heart is in the right place.
  4. It happens for me when scrolling up on PC.
  5. It does that sometimes on PC too bro.
  6. It's happened to me in at least 2 other threads the past week. I wonder if something I have installed is blocking a necessary script from completing or something? It seems to usually happen when I'm modifying something in a quoted post.
  7. Something is breaking in the reply function, dunno what. But it's been sporadically happening to me this week.
  8. Yeah, I dunno there has been this weird thing with some posts lately where the reply function breaks. @Admin_Raptorpat have any idea what's up with that?
  9. Slender Man is hot garbage. Don't waste your time.
  10. For money usually.
  11. Sorry, I'm not into pee fetish. I can recommend some websites though if that is your thing.
  12. Is this really what makes your butter churn? Thinking about all the dudes lining up to run a train on Fuggs' pussy?
  13. You create a black hole. Don't do it ghostie you'll doom us all.
  14. It's an odd fetish.
  15. The problem is in the saturation of the color, imo. they should have made it a bit desaturated, it makes him look like a plastic action figure.
  16. The 3d style platformers are considered 2D these days as long as they only use side angle. Sometimes they refer to it as 2.5D though that is less common now.
  17. You're dumb, none of the Resident Evils qualify as RPGs.
  18. The Evil Within and its sequel are pretty terrifying in some scenes. Resident Evil 7 and Outlast II because psycho hillbillies of any kind are terrifying to me as someone who lives in the south.
  19. I know your secret btw. @hubbbbbbbbbbb
  20. https://discord.gg/9HVSkxu Come here if interested.
  21. I still love you anyways.
  22. Is it bad that I read this in the voice of Eustace from Courage the Cowardly Dog?
  23. Coming from the bozo who posted multiple pictures of himself extremely drunk before.
  24. I mean she did ask for it, so you clearly have consent. Remember Ghostie consent is the MOST important part of the relationship. But just to make sure you should ask @GunStarHero again just to be sure.
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