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Everything posted by Sandstone

  1. If I were straight I'd bang her for sure. I like spicy women. @Still Me Is stacked and has a good job. I think these are both traits most straight men would consider very attractive.
  2. They are really bad at cooking lol. There is another vid of him trying to get a sponsorship with Blue Apron, it's hilarious.
  3. If it has any pictures of Packard's food I'll hurt you.
  4. You're just going to make more cringe furry jokes in my presence, I know you.
  5. You deserved this and you fucking know it.
  6. Paused it at the moment of infraction. Also Rogue fix being able to @ you stupid twat.
  7. They don't you need thorazine and castration.
  8. Wow, she actually looks a lot like you. You'll have to do some hair styling if you want a closer representation though.
  9. I listen to alot of podcasts during the week, mostly while programming or studying stuff because it's more soothing to me to listen to people talk alot of times rather than music. This is my favorite: https://www.lastpodcastnetwork.com/ LastPodcastOnTheLeft. It's free on Spotify, good for true crime, mystery, and conspiracy junkies. It has much comedy mixed in as well. Thank me later.
  10. That's what the dominant personality or program usually says.
  11. Your personalities seem to be consistent on some things *scribbles notes*
  12. OMG I love it. :3
  13. Straight Whiskey and Bourbon, like a real man. Scotch if I'm feeling like a gentleman. I do not drink super often though.
  14. I didn't even realize they were in here, to be honest. I was mostly just attracted to Buddy's hot take about Ghostie.
  15. It's a compliment learn to take one, grumpy cat.
  16. I've always said @lupin_bebop looks like a sexier younger version of Lawrence Fishburne (Fishburne has the most beautiful facial hair I've ever seen on any black man).
  17. There could be an art school in her future. It's very nice.
  18. Don't worry, take whatever time you like. I won't bug you about it at all.
  19. Well since you offered. I wasn't going to outright ask, but your art is pretty amazing.
  20. My mother has always been extremely emotionally and verbally abusive to me (though it is infrequent and I think it's because crazy runs in my family). I am so not a fan of emotionally breaking down a child in any capacity or yelling at them, and I don't think it has the desired effect either.
  21. Dissociative Identity Disorder. The technical name for Multiple Personalities. Funny story, my first ever boyfriend claimed to have DID, I kind of believe him too because alot of times I felt like his entire personality shifted sometimes when I saw him and after we broke up he'd disappear for several weeks at a time only to emerge like nothing happened (he was known to do this to his entire friend group not just me).
  22. Really nicely done. I'd love to have a custom avatar of Deku made for me. :3
  23. I feel like not enough parents actually try to explain or guide their kids in the right direction these days either. My father always used to have very long conversations (not yelling) about the consequences of my actions and how I could be doing alot better. This kind of reasoning and explanation I think is extremely important to a kids socialization, at least it was for me. Too many parents want just the punishment or their kid to "stop", but aren't concerned enough to attack the root cause of the behaviour (mental state and thought processes).
  24. I honestly think yelling at a child is extremely ineffective and only builds resentment. I also don't think spanking a child for every offence is really appropriate either, and it tends to only be something that young kids pay attention too. I was mostly a good kid but after about 14 I couldn't give two shits about being whipped by a belt or switch (the few times it actually happened). Honestly these days I think the most effective thing is probably to take away whatever they like playing with (video games, toys, ipad, phones, etc) for some period of time and letting them reflect on the consequences of their actions. Then again there was that 16 year old that killed his mother and father after his dad took his ipad from him a while back. Kid was probably a psychopath to begin with though.
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