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Order of the Owl
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Everything posted by The1gairon

  1. Remember when one time, Bleach got such good ratings that AS aired 2 new episodes every week?? Boy did that not last long!
  2. Dragon Maido Episode 9. Diabetes.
  3. .... what did Bleach have to do with Burger King?
  4. ... American Dad is only considered a "spin-off" show due to having the same creators and the same studio. It otherwise shares no characters, settings, or plots with any of them.
  5. I'm glad it's getting positive reviews! Maybe now, a dream of mine will come true (watching a legit wrap-up of the story of Samurai Jack), which in my life is very rare!
  6. One of the best girls of the season!
  7. I never monitor porn games and thus I don't know the companies who run them, so this is educational.
  8. "Caaaaaaaaaaaaaaaall the poliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiice..."
  9. KFC? ... Oh. "Kai The Final Chapter". Wow. DB Super is only in the 800,000's??
  10. I - have a Crunchyroll subscription - have a Funimation elite subscription - buy DVDs only when its of a show I know I'll watch several times over, usually at cons, which reminds me.... - go to cons. I only do that a few times a year, but I always talk to staff at the booths from the companies they represent - go to forums like this one - have a few anime merch - make fanart and tell people what it's based on and where to find it - watch Toonami
  11. ... Here is the thread for the comic if you feel so inclined (the first 10 chapters anyway. http://unevenedge.imfapp.in/anime/bleach-happy-to-serve-you/ Chapter 11 is in progress and is in individual pages in another gallery): http://gairon.deviantart.com/gallery/50090783/Bleach-Happy-To-Serve-You-PDFs .
  12. Use the PDF gallery on my DA there- there are only 11 items, and there are updated pages! Also edit the Tvtropes pages if you have the time.
  13. When we actually finish this, I'll think of ways we can profit off of a finished comic saga. Maybe compile all the pages into a large book and selling them elsewhere online or something, and also delete some of the pages from DA to tell people to buy it there? Dunno. I did get ONE porn game test going with a fellow deviant but that was laid to rest. With Bleach having ended in both the anime and manga, there's really not as much popularity in BHTSY than there used to be when it started. And I really want to boost that somehow. DA's gallery has been revamped so that you have endless scrolling, which vastly inconveniences users expecting a smooth load time. I had to set the BHTSY gallery so you see the newest pages first, so if you want to start at the beginning, you'd have to wait a few minutes to load ALL THE CHAPTERS on the page! I suggest using the PDF gallery- there are only 11 items in there.
  14. :D :D Good to see you here too.
  15. Yeah I'll stop with that topic now.
  16. Dude---- I REALLY feel guilty for waiting for LWA fansubs, since 1.) they're always late, and 2.) there's nowhere else Americans can see it other than on illegal sites.
  17. Yeah I heard of these boards only like a few days ago and I even live-commented during Toonami again. Good to see you.
  18. Bleach: Happy To Serve You is the Bleach fan comic that I draw. It is written by another old member of the AS Message Boards, Hardcorehunter. It's been running since October 2011 on DA back when Bleach was still on Toonami. It is purely comedic in tone and pokes fun at a ton of tropes from the anime and character quirks. It is also an ecchi, and NSFW for sexual themes and mild language. This will be a thread for discussions regarding the comic. Those who aren't familiar with Bleach won't enjoy as much of it as is possible, and it might offend those who don't like NSFW work. You can read the actual comic here: http://gairon.deviantart.com/gallery/32965504/Bleach-Happy-To-Serve-You We sum up the comic in this fan Toonami comic that Hardcore also wrote: . It also has its own Tvtropes page! http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/FanFic/BleachHappyToServeYou
  19. Nami and Robin showed off their new swimsuits this week! And thank god it had brilliant animation too!
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