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Order of the Owl
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Everything posted by The1gairon

  1. They also air one of the many Beyblade shows.
  2. I admit my interest in the block is held high about HALF the time currently. I like DBZ, HxH and One Piece, but I cannot follow Jojo due to its rapid pace, I can't get into Gundam Unicorn because of the massive continuity lockout, and Naruto should be gotten rid of! But again those are just MY opinions. Someone else could love every single thing they air right now.
  3. Toonami is still a short block, so competition is near impossible to win, and they just have too many shows to choose from for those slots. At some point, ONE good show is always going to lose.
  4. And my sadness is over! Like that!
  5. ... I LOVE HxH. And I am warming up to both DBZ shows.
  6. if you guys pin down a URL for these screenings please note me.
  7. of course Naruto gets better ratings, because for the longest time Naruto aired before One Piece so more people were awake!
  8. Has DeMarco actually confirmed that Toyko Ghoul will air at 2:30? All he said was that it's "the replacement".
  9. FEH FEH FEH FEH FEH FEH! F*** you, Foxy.
  10. Do we know the point Toonami will stop showing Jojo?
  11. You know, DeMarco you could........ not respond to those tweets?
  12. My God I just realized. Foxy introduced OP on Toonami. Foxy ENDED OP on Toonami!
  13. That is a wonderful idea. I would need to somehow get my hands on the episodes though (preferrably legally), and also find the time to do all that.
  14. Announced today during Toonami Pre-Flight at 8 PM. I go here 3 hours later to find it already has 5 pages! Brings a great feeling back. ... so obviously I am sad, but come on. It has 700+ episodes with around 500 or so dubbed. You couldn't expect Toonami to air ALL of them! I just wish this wasn't such a sudden announcement! At least now, my memories of those OP haters who kept frequenting the old board are now finally laid to rest. Now I know NOTHING. About Tokyo Ghoul. I never followed Funimaiton's dub of it, I never tuned in for either seasons in Japanese months before than. So this will be interesting for me. I just hope they don't air it at 2:30 PM when they don't get good ratings.
  15. One year Funimation tried to gain more exposure to their Channel by having an NYCC panel JUST to talk about that, not to announce Funimation's news or new show acquisitions. I guess that failed. For one, it wasn't hosted by either Justin Rojas, Laura Moore, or Chad from Screwattack, and the panel was relegated to a small room. ... which is what you'd expect would happen if you try to plug a linear cable channel in 2017 when young people already abandoned cable since 2006!!
  16. But nooooo. AS just HAD to plant ATHF signs on areas of Boston without telling Boston police first to get warrants, resulting in a bomb scare that forced the CEO of CN to step down.
  17. In other words, TOKU really translates into "f*** it linear channels are dead let's hand it off to another company and phrase it in more sensationalistic terms in the press releases". Got it. Good that I didn't seek TOKU out.
  18. Boy that was a stressful Spring 2012! The Bleach anime was ending in Japan, my service dropped the Funimation Channel, I had one of my tantrums on the AS message boards, Bleach was the last remaining premiere on ASA. I can't even dwell on it.
  19. It's in two days and I feel so happy! :-D I love how accessible that show is now. Hulu, Amazon, and Adult Swim's site all have it!
  20. Oh wow I remember this back when I had the Funimation Channel!
  21. Argrrrararrar so cute.
  22. What is this and how can I make my life about it?
  23. I guess Family Guy characters did make cameos in a few American Dad episodes, and vice versa, but it depends on if you legit consider cameo appearances to count as being in the same universe.
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