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Order of the Owl
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Everything posted by The1gairon

  1. You are the provider of gifs we need but don't deserve.
  2. I mean sure they both still have a goal to reach, but that ending will only arrive in many many years from now.
  3. Uuuuh... is this filler important enough to warrant a flashback?
  4. "Make a gem"??? Like we'll be able to fuse, and fight the Diamonds!?
  5. THANK YOU. Oh right Brook and Franky never met Foxy yet.
  6. My God Foxy's schemes are so goddamn silly and fun!
  7. oh holy carp this animation here IS A STEP UP! This si filler but they really put their effort into it!
  8. *nami and robin on a beach resort* BOZONGA WONGAS!!!!! :O sorry.
  9. It had a downvoting system. I got spam-downvoted to the point where my account was relegated to a Newbie status, and I couldn't live-reply during the block due to the reply limit. I got so mad, that was actually the last straw for me and I REALLY DID leave those boards for good. That was almost a year ago.
  10. Also a fact: he's made an effort to live-tweet during ALL this shows for weeks!
  11. I knew it. They're the main villains.
  12. Too--- many...--- new--- characters--- ....
  13. ... oh that IS Carrie Keranen!
  14. THE BOSS IS > ........ a cute anime loli??? whut
  15. This is my effin fav show on the block right now! Killua looks even more effeminate in that outfit! STRIKE a pose!
  16. Wow so this is like a directory of games on a pack. THis is definitely the epitome of a boy's dream in the 90's. And wow the nen in this game makes it all feel REAL!
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