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Order of the Owl
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Everything posted by The1gairon

  1. I'm watching Blue Exorcist: Kyoto Arc Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid Interviews With Monster Girls I'm also being a bad boy for a change and watching Little Witch Academia.... "bad boy" being that Netflix is the only company that legally has the rights to it here but they haven't released it yet. I'm using a fansubbing site. Also of course I'm following what Toonami's airing.
  2. One of the memorable episodes of Thriller Bark. Funimation dubbed Bink's Brew extremely well and it again gave me the feels. I just wish the anime didn't host these sad, moving episodes in-between 40 more episodes of action and plot though- I know those are important too.
  3. Nice to see you too!
  4. I was confused about that! I heard TFS recorded it but it wasn't the version that aired. Good to have that cleared up, and it's AWESOME that Funimation appreciates injokes to cast them! TFS members are legit voice actors in general now anyway.
  5. Ratings have been going down since around last October, I notice. I can attribute this to a couple theories. GUNDAM Unicorn is kind of boring and can only be enjoyed if you seen like 8 other whole animes, and DB Super is kind of an odd way to open the block if you didn't know anything about what happened in the Buu saga or Battle of Gods. Plus it's less action so far, it's more like the comedic moments of Dragonball. Yes, I'm back. I said I would never return to the AS Boards the last time I left. .... I said nothing about going to a NEW board. I probably won't post in this thread if at all, considering I didn't really have fun doing that in the old boards. I'm just posting this to let you all know.
  6. 1st post here. Yes this is Elfie from the old boards. I decided to post here considering the section says Introductions are here but I do not see a main Introductions thread. If there is one, please link to it.
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