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Order of the Owl
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Everything posted by The1gairon

  1. It's not impossible because the dub is already complete (I think). However, it's only 12 episodes long, so they better dang well have another show lined up in 12 weeks after that. I would LOVE hearing Kurbipher ham it up on cable TV!
  2. I wouldn't because it would be edited to hell and back. Especially with...... what I know is coming.....
  3. Well there's a Power Rangers movie coming. I bet Disney will strike some deal with Saban about a new show to air on their Disney block if that becomes a hit too.
  4. Disney already had Doreomon and Yokai Watch for the past 2 years or so. Then last year we heard they got the rights to air any and all Pokemon animation! Now with new promo bumps they announced they ALSO have one of the many Beyblade shows?! AND they're teaming up with a studio to produce an original anime title?? Why did all the kid-oriented anime go from CN to Disney? Remember when Disney tried a few times to get anime on their stations and they didn't last (Shippudden)? Clearly their management has a different outlook on anime now, and they are aggressively pushing their programming in a new direction. I'm just wondering if there is press releases that provide insight or reasons that I am just missing in all this.
  5. I already reminiced over that time before so it's like war flashbacks to me.
  6. Jojo actually isn't a very long series compared to the long-runners in terms of episode #, and who knows who many episodes Toonami has paid to air. So I predict that after One Piece, Jojo will be the next long-runner to leave the block. HxH only has 140 episodes which by this point can fit comfortably in 2 more years before it completes its run. Regardless, the 2 year mark appears to be the point where DeMarco and company will NEED to find another powerhouse show to keep the block afloat.
  7. Right now it's more the people I talk with online that enables me to enjoy watching the block. The times where I actually love a show they air hasn't been as frequent because they haven't aired a show I loved from hearing about it before. I had to acclimate myself to HxH to enjoy it right now more than when they had the exams, because for some reason, the pacing in those exams were sloooooooow and kind of boring. It feels like a real story is finally kicking into gear now that they're hunters and they can go out into the real, gritty, cruel world to achieve a goal. Same with DB Super, although I have a feeling that will fall right into the usual bland fights and repetitive story arcs very quickly.
  8. Saying 1 Jojo fighter is not as hot as Jojo isn't describing a bit of difference. They're ALL hot!
  9. That is what I want to hear! It would be stupid to premiere a new Toonami show at 2:30 AM.
  10. https://doneastunleashed.wordpress.com/2017/03/12/sabbatical-no-not-from-this-blog/ Here is a blog post by a user named TheRealDonEast (he's an active live-tweeter during the block and his tweets have been featured on the Toonami Faithful Podcast) which has for the first time made me really understand why the ratings for Toonami haven't been as good on average as they have a year or so ago. Basically, the shows they air just aren't as interesting or aren't as gripping and exciting. While I currently love 2/3 of what the block has right now, I realize I am an optimist who just wants to have a good time with anime and to converse with people online about it, whereas others see the shows for the quality they are.
  11. I sadly think you're right (the thread title). OP showed with more than enough evidence that it cannot support itself on Toonami to satisfy the staff with the format the block is in right now. So if it DOES come back on linear American cable television, it won't be for many more years.
  12. That's actually a good topic for a thread. Why DID CN sell all its non-Toonami anime to Disney!?
  13. Actually, One Piece stuck around ASA 6 weeks after Toonami ended in 2008. I remember it vividly, because I haven't gone so mad at something online in my life until that point. CN has different bosses now than in 2008, so hopefully the same thing won't happen to Toonami when One Piece leaves.
  14. T--......... Toei sounds like the most godamn conservative anime studio on the planet. They never allowed announcements of Americans getting Super until 2 weeks before it began airing on Toonami, they insist on reviving only their most profitable and nostalgic hits, they don't care about artistic integritiy in their projects, they commission work from other studios (Expelled From Paradise, Miraculous Ladybug) so they can have control over it, and they're ever so strict on where their shows should be available to the rest of the world!
  15. Well Toei isn't helping! They KEEP CONTINUING the trend with new shows and movies and games all the time!
  16. .... there's a way to "grab" the rainbow isn't there?
  17. The sadder thing? These two episodes show how the anime can just tell an entire arc in 2 episodes instead of 40.
  18. And he never retur-- oh there he is.
  19. *straight* I'm not complaining. :3
  20. The only upside. ..... not counting Nami's jiggle physics here.
  21. Almost. I don't think next week's episode has Foxy in it.
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