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Order of the Owl
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Everything posted by The1gairon

  1. HERE WE GO!!! Sorry I got caught up on other replies and tweeting.
  2. This si the exact reason why I'm gonna use something like Sling.tv to watch Toonami in my next home.
  3. Ironic, considering Funimation and most of their actors record in Texas.
  4. I can't be too forward about this because some of the same members are here, but it was bad. There was personal attacks, threats, and horrible mod regulations. NOBODY liked the new webhost the message board went to.
  5. I forgot his exact words, but he said it's full of trolls, basically. When an employee of the same company that manages and has rights to the forum says it's horrible, there's something wrong.
  6. Woah. Krillin suspects they ran off for a little fun??? Down, boy.
  7. Is that Micah Solusad? BTW that was Jamie Marchi as the portly woman in the bleachers.
  8. Woah! Chi-chi did something actually badass for once!
  10. How many of these audience members are from the boondocks of Osaka!? "D You can tell they're from out of town.
  11. All this gives me Dragonball tournament memories.
  12. I recreated her in CGI and am doing art of her on my DA account. Guess what my answer is.
  13. 80'S-SOUNDING INTRO SONG!! I like this song, but apparently that's an unpopular opinion.
  14. I bet that's GREAT during times that require you to post at least once every minute!
  15. Oh. Nothing was wrong with that place. Members just stopped coming there after a while.
  16. Okaaay. Now this board kept loading for 5 minutes and then crapped out.
  17. A fetus can have saiyan powers now? What's next? Powers can be activated into your next 3 future generations?
  18. Do it Videl! The touching music demands you too!
  19. AS Message Boards? It got more and more infested with trolls without practically any mod or admin regulating. Last Fall, it was shut down alledgedly because altright supporters took it over, and AS has no intention of replacing it with something else. DeMarco even said he hated what its become in a Pre-Flight episode. Woah!! Gohan is gonna be a father! More and more kids keep getting made in this show/
  20. Woah. That commercial break came early! It feels great live commenting again.
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