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Order of the Owl
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Everything posted by The1gairon

  1. I tried that but I wouldnt really like the video to appear that large.
  2. >: So I was going to take the subway, and i would've been here half and hour ago, but every subway route right now is either delayed or screwed up. I wound up sitting on the train between stations for 15 minutes. So I had to walk home after that, settle in, wait for the internet to load, and then complain to the subway service for 10 minutes about all the problems that came up, AND THEN come here!!!!! Ugh.
  3. Wait! Foxy comes back!?! Yay! He's a fun comical villain. And it's gonna be great hearing Jonathan Brooks again.
  4. I am hopeful Samurai Jack will change that, but we say "all will change" every time a new show premieres on the block.
  5. Bleach is still fresh in my mind considering I draw one page of a Bleach doujin with another old member per week on average.
  6. Back to ratings: There's not really a point in arguing which show should be before which other show to improve the ratings because tastes are different for everyone. Me, I mentioned I can't get into GUNDAM Unicorn due to massive continuity lockout, and Jojo's Bizarre Adventures go by so fast it's not a show designed for you to watch WHILE livetweeting or commenting during it! Hunter x Hunter should definitely be airing earlier though. It's also probably whatever's airing before Toonami, and the DB Super encore at 8 PM may not encourage faithfuls to see the same episodes during Toonami proper.
  7. You guys are probably investigating this, but when you register, the site tells you to wait for "an email" telling you if you got approved, so this could be a real problem.
  8. Odd that we're getting a second movie after like 2 years with no Fairy Tail animation of any kind whatsoever. The life of a mangaka is never a smooth one. Yes, I'm here.
  9. I am NOT. Receiving any emails from this forum whatsoever. I been waiting for days to get my registration accepted in an email only to have another member tell me I'm already in the directory! I am not receiving ANY reply notification emails! What's going on?
  10. I want to make a thread for art I made, but it's fan art of anime. Does it belong in the Anime section, the Toonami section, or the Arts & Literature section?
  11. Ah I remember this thread. Making my 1st post here....
  12. Pedobear is upgrading to the older grade.
  13. I didn't know this board existed until yesterday.
  14. It should be my job to notice that but sadly, I never have. You're the first person who mentioned it to me. I think it has to do with me not remembering that Bleach even had a narrator until I recalled the recaps that opened an episode in the middle of a heated arc.
  15. Fire Force I'm at Volume 2. So far it's promising and it gets me interested to see an anime adaptation one day.
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