you should drive off....right into the parking lot of your nearest insane asylum ...i'm sure just by looking at you they could find a nice comfy corner for you to straighten yourself out .
far too much ...i don't even think i can list it all...mainly due to shitty memory with names and places over time .... and to think i was hoping to die in the cold a few months from now ...oh well what can you do..
look...I hear what your saying ...but i'm not working with a full set of tools here shut it and let me try and fix this goddamn table leg already!!
no let's do ....the band that uses that chanting is a german band who took it out of context and without permission from the people who actually use it
while I can't fault you for your ideas and opinions ...I have to stand here and correct you ...that's not native American chanting ...that's Portuguese ...I think that's how that's spelled..
just got home from work and straight into a one sided conversation with my mother on why i'm not making more money .....i'd put up a gun-in-mouth gif if I wasn't tired are you.
you can buy ANYTHING on the deep web could buy Norman Reedus to hand deliver a can of beans to your house while riding a camel ....and if you don't believe that then just buy the goddamn coffee beans already..