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Everything posted by Master-Debater131

  1. Interesting ideas. Would that mean that everyone expressing an opinion in a public media space would need a disclaimer? Virtually the entire media, both legacy and new, are just entertainment at this point. In this system would someone like Colbert have to have a disclaimer on his show whenever he started talking politics or healthcare? Just trying to see how you think a disclaimer system might work. Its an interesting idea, and it might work to a degree, but to me the question becomes where the line is for needing a disclaimer and not.
  2. I really want to know how anyone can do anything about "misinformation". For starters, even defining what misinformation is is almost impossible. So many things that were "misinformation" wind up being true. Misinformation is also almost universally in the eye of the beholder. The entire right wing things that the entire media a driver of misinformation. The Left views places like X as nothing but misinformation. Remember the NY Post story about Hunter Biden? It was entirely true, but it was labeled as misinformation at the time. That happens all the time. Then, assuming you can even define it, how do you enforce it? The 1st Amendment is pretty clear in the openness of speech. There are no laws against lying. You can lie all you want at any point in your life, and its totally legal. Assuming you figure out a way around that, how do you even begin to apply it to something like the internet? Its not like you can just ban words online, people will figure out ways around them. And even if you did, it wont stop word of mouth. There was a nation wide rumor that Maralyn Manson removed a rib so he could suck his own dick before the internet took off. Totally word of mouth, but it was everywhere. This isnt an issue that really can be solved in any meaningful way.
  3. Iran really wants to reach the Find Out stage of FAFO.
  4. Found the real reason Harris lost America hates Tims
  5. Cenk has been on a tear since the election, and hes been nailing some key points like this one.
  6. 'You are not welcome here,' Qatar tells Hamas - report https://www.jpost.com/breaking-news/article-828197 "Qatar has reportedly clarified to the terrorist group Hamas, "You are not welcome here," KAN reported on Friday, citing a source familiar with the matter. This development has reportedly been underway in recent days, three sources told KAN. One source told KAN that this is due to pressure from the US. According to the report, Qatar had previously explained that Hamas's leadership in the country was meant to facilitate dialogue during hostage negotiation efforts." Well thats interesting. Qatar has been allowing Hamas leaders to stay in their country, largely as a way to have at least some sort of peace talks. If they are truly kicking them out then thats a big shift.
  7. RCP Exit Polling data - Among people who believed that Democracy was "Very Threatened", Trump won by 4 points. That is a remarkable number when you consider the sheer propaganda that attempted to make Trump the next Hitler.
  8. I would argue that it was more about individual liberty than anything. In most cases, issues that touched on individual liberty passed. A lot of voters do not think that Democrats represent individual liberty anymore. The actions of the Democratic base and most vocal in the party lead people to think "these people are insane and wont just leave me alone". The economy was still teh biggest issue, but a lot of people are tired of the government trying to dictate their lives. The Amish vote was huge this time around, and supposedly a lot of the turnout was due to government overreach into the Amish community. They may have handed PA to Trump, and it might have been a direct result of government interference into the Amish community.
  9. Thats probably fair, and with early voting most opinions are baked in ages before election day. Election Day is Election Month, so one comment probably cant swing it. It doesnt help though. Its pretty clear that a lot of women supported Trump, and theres a real question on when they made that decision. Theres also the fact that a lot of Red states voted into law Abortion rights while overwhelmingly voting for Trump. Thats a fascinating piece of data thats worth studying.
  10. Whats so interesting about the Union thing is that Union voters seem to have swung to Trump this time. Not government unions, but working class Unions. Fetterman saw this coming and was raising the alarm about how the GOP and Trump was becoming the party of the working man and what he said was exactly what the Unions wanted to hear. For the first time in my entire lifetime a Union President addressed the RNC. That was unprecedented. Unions do not mean Democrats anymore. Democrats are abandoning these voters in favor of educated elites who live in their bubbles. These voters are feeling that, and they left the Democrats.
  11. One thing that I really want to know, but know theres no real way to quantify, is how much did Mark Cubans "there are no strong women in the GOP" comment hurt. He was a big surrogate for the Harris campaign and was on all sorts of talk shows and media events talking up Harris. Then he made that comment, and the Harris campaign pulled him from TV. That clearly did something because social media exploded with right win women just irate that he would say that. Trump also just named the first ever female chief of staff. I cannot wait for the tell alls to come out about the Harris campaign. Its going to be spectacular reading.
  12. Havent seen this one posted yet in here either, but we have another Senate race completed. Republican McCormick beat the incumbent Democrat Casey in Pennsylvania. That gives the GOP a 53-47 advantage with 2 races to go. Arizona and Nevada have not been called yet. Even with those 2 states still being decided, the GOP have a clear majority in the Senate now. The important thing for them is that it makes it easier to appoint Judges, and Justices, with this kind of majority. They wont need to appease Collins or Murcowski and can instead just push anyone through. It also increases the odds that they hold the Senate in 2026. The map for the GOP isnt great, but it does provide pickup chances in states like Georgia. 2026 doesnt look like a year with big Senate changes as most seats are pretty safe bets based on who currently holds the seat.
  13. Yes, because Republicans put things like pronouns in their bios, say its OK for men to compete against women, refer to Latinos as LatinX, and a whole slew of other things. This meme could not be more true if it tried
  14. 'We were ambushed': Pogrom in Amsterdam wounds several, potential hostage situation https://www.jpost.com/breaking-news/article-828103 "Following violent attacks against Maccabi Tel Aviv fans following a soccer match between Maccabi and Ajax on Thursday evening, Israel's Foreign Ministry confirmed that all Israelis had been contacted, according to Ynet. While police initially said they were investigating reports of abductions during the attacks, all missing Israelis have now been accounted for. Local authorities and Israel's Foreign Ministry have reported that ten Israelis have been injured so far in the pogrom, with consul members currently searching hospitals. Authorities say that the situation has calmed down over the last hour, and Israelis have been instructed to shelter in place. A Dutch police spokeswoman said 62 have been arrested so far. Footage circulating on social media has shown fans being beaten, chased with knives, and narrowly avoiding being hit by vehicles. Eyewitnesses told StandWithUs that they had seen attempted stabbings, people thrown in a river, with extremists beating and spitting on Israelis. Dutch riot police were sent in to respond to the attackers." I debated putting this in its own thread because its such a big deal, but Ill just keep it here for now. There was a Pogrom in Amsterdam last night. Israel has sent multiple emergency rescue planes to get Israeli citizens out of the Netherlands. Absolutely disgusting to see this kind of thing in Europe. Its sadly not a surprise though. There have been warnings for years about the rising tide of antisemitism and Islamist teachings in Europe. This is what happens when that goes unchecked.
  15. Some Democrats are starting to get it. This insistent focus on identity politics and political correctness means that Democrats do not talk like normal people. The GOP has taken the mantle of the working class and normal person because of how far Left Democrats ran with this. Thankfully people like her are being ignored and attacked. Good sign for the Democrats never bothering to learn from this. Its painfully clear that the last few elections have been sending signs to Democrats that their constant demand of ideological purity and political correctness was costing them voters. Biden stemmed that trend thanks in large part to his whole "Scranton Joe" thing. But then Democrats abandoned all the lessons Biden thought them to go right back to their losing ways.
  16. Now THIS is the kind of pure pettiness and trash talking that I can get behind.
  17. MSNBC is starting to hear it and get it. The Democratic party has been attacking men as the core of so many of our problems, so Men naturally went to the people who are saying "actually, its not you". If you constantly attack and alienate a group of people then its entirely natural for them to stop supporting you and instead seek out people who have a message that fits you better. That same phenomena can be expanded to so many of the voter groups and people who wound up voting Trump yesterday.
  18. Its a sign, shouldnt have killed the squirrel.
  19. Interesting thought, what happens to Hunter Biden now? Lots of rumors that Biden was going to pardon him before his term was up. Sentencing is next week, election is over. When does the Pardon hit? And bonus thought, does Biden throw the ultimate chaos move by pardoning Trump at the same time so Trump doesnt pardon himself. Lottttssss of talk that Bidenworld is beyond pissed at how this all went down. It sure would be one last middle finger if he wound up throwing out duel pardons.
  20. Possibly the first rumor of who might get prime spot in the Trump admin.
  21. I was wrong though. I said Harris would win the EC in a 270-268 vote. You have no idea how smug I was feeling when literally everything was going the way I said it would, right up until PA. I simply didnt think Trump was going to actually win PA, let alone sweep the entire Blue Wall. Am I smug about so many of the things Ive been saying for months? Oh you know it. Ive been proven right again on so so many things Ive said. But I got my final calls wrong, and I dont like that.
  22. What gets me is that people really should be cheering the idea of a guy like Musk being far more involved in government. He single handedly made electric vehicles a viable option in this country. Without him the EV market would still be where it was 15 years ago. Like him or not, he absolutely is a visionary whos ideas should be, at a minimum, explored. I think a lot of them are far out there, but it does force the question on how to approach issues.
  23. Theres still going to be a clean environment, it just wont be dictated by trans-national elites.
  24. Ill keep analyzing the election outcomes, but now lets look at some of the practical immediate impacts now that Trump has won. First off, Jack Smith is done. The DOJ has already announced they are dropping all cases against Trump and plan to remove Jack Smith from his current role. The show trials are over, and its ended predictably. Politically, Trump has a clear mandate. It didnt seem like it would be possible this year, but he does have one. Hes on track for 300+ ECs, and winning the popular vote. No Republican has won the popular vote in 20 years, and many Democrats said it was not possible for that to ever happen again. And yet here we are, he has done it. What he does with his mandate will be interesting. The economy is the #1 issue, and he has an opportunity to rebuild the economy as he sees fit. SCOTUS and Justices - extremely high likelihood that the GOP lean on Thomas to retire so that Trump can replace him with a much younger justice. With the Senate being firmly in the GOPs hands Murkowski and Collins cant slowroll this either. The GOP doesnt technically need their votes to confirm a justice. This also means that, for at least the next 2 years, if any of the Democratic justices leave the bench then Trump can replace them. Theres a very real chance that Trump will wind up appointing 5-6 of the 9 Justices before this is all said and done. This same dynamic also applies for justices across the legal system. The GOP have the chance to nominate and approve as many justices as they can in the first 2 years of the Trump campaign. Middle East is going to look a lot different. Trump will clearly stand up to Iran and wont let their crap fly anymore. It also means that Israel doesnt have to worry about being stabbed in the back. Bigger picture is that Saudi and Israel are likely going to normalize relations, potentially earlier in 2025 after he is in the White House. Paris Accords - dead and buried. US is going to back out, again, and this time probably means they will die forever. Theres a whole lot more, but these are some of the bigger immediate swings.
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