Theres a lot here so Ill try and get it all, but I may miss something. Not doing that intentionally.
Walmart - you aren't going to hear me argue against your points. Walmart is close to a monopoly in a lot of regards, and trust busting is absolutely a proper role for the government. The feds going after Google, Amazon, Walmart and any of those other mega corporations would be great. Walmart absolutely has a great business model, but that business model also comes at the expense of wherever it goes. For all the crap South Park gets, that Walmart episode was damn near perfect at capturing the entire Walmart debate.
Texas - what they are doing with their power is freaking dumb. I think what that shows more than anything though is the inevitable problem when one party controls a state by itself for extended periods of time. The stupidest ideas start to win, and then they become law. Ive become a big fan of divided government in recent years because it prevents the worst ideas and impulses from winning out. Im also not inclined to give Texas much help when their grid collapses and they bitch and moan about not getting help. Thats kinda your own fault there bud. Same with California though. Thats been a 1 party state for a long time, and they can deal with their own mess at this point.
Thats also one of my biggest splits from the modern GOP. I do think regulations are important, its just a question of how many and how intrusive. Your point on the environmental regulations has me wondering why there were so many in the first place. I work in the environmental industry, and I cant tell you how many public works projects go horribly over budget, behind schedule, or are outright canceled because of environmental regulations. Should we have environmental protections? Absolutely. I like clean water and air. Should we care if a roadway impacts a field mouse or if people collect their own rainwater? Ehhhhh, Im not as inclined to say yes there.
Frankly I dont see Trump nor Harris doing anything to bring the country together and fix problems. Both are horrible candidates, and both will make things worse. its just a question of in which way will they decided to fuck us.
LGBT stuff- The one thing that sticks out the most on this, and so many other cultural issues, is when it starts to involves kids. Im in a lesbian relationship, have been for a while. No one cares that Im fucking a girl. What they care about is if we try to push that on kids, or try to otherwise expose them to things like sexuality that should be up to parents and not schools and institutions. No one (who isnt a complete asshole) cares about adults, they care about when adults start to involve kids. After the SCOTUS ruling there was this amazing golden age where no one really cared about LGBT issues. People were just kinda like "yea, ok, thats cool and all, did you see the game?" But in recent years there has been this continued creep to bring this kind of stuff into classrooms. People can say its not happening all they want, but it is. There are countless images of classrooms that look like a Pride parade went on a bender, got sick, and threw up the rainbow all over the room. And they can be for it all they want, but at no time has an adult saying "Its OK, this can be our secret" to a kid ever turned out OK. We still make Catholic priest jokes, and that was decades ago (holy crap I feel old now). Neither of us even feel comfortable going to Pride events anymore because of how extreme things are recently. We just want to be left alone.
Even on cultural issues theres likely a whole lot that we could agree on. Part of the problem though is that, recently, either you are 100% with an ideology or you are considered an enemy. That goes for both sides. The LGBT issue above is a great example of that. Im all for LGBT issues, but I dont think its appropriate for that to be brought up in the classroom. And because of that Im considered an enemy even though Im in a lesbian relationship. On the Right because im not some MAGA diehard Im considered a liberal bitch. The ability to have any nuance or disagreement on issues that you might have 80% in common with is just gone.
I will continue to argue and believe that the biggest hindrance to anyones prosperity is the federal government. They consistently get in the way of people living their life because some bureaucrat somewhere thinks that they know better than the person living their own life. Is there a role for the government? Yes, but it should be limited, targeted, and actually effective. None of this huge sweeping bureaucracy thats making rules no one has any say on.
Did I get everything? I think I did. But its also been a long day.