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Everything posted by Hornshire

  1. Shrike-raven was basically Zeni. Except not a creeper. And instead of having a job at a school, he was in a metal band. And yet, he was still more lame than actual Zeni. Yeah, that bad. So he would occasionally post some of his band's mediocre songs and be like "Aren't my talents so awesome?!" And everyone else went "Not really." and moved on. Eventually, theroyalgoat did some digging, and it turns out that everything he ever posted was from some other band he had no affiliation with. At which point he gives- seeing as how his entire identity on the boards was wrapped up in being a rock star, and didn't know how to do anything else- a classic "I'm sorry I disappointed my fans" speech. It was not well received. As for onthegroundnow, He was a miserable little twat who thought his leet hacking skills meant shit, would generally make thread after thread that typically devolved into him displaying his utter lack of cognitive ability in a futile effort to prove he wasn't stupid. He was enrolled in a college after all, so how could he be? After Isen started serial locking his threads, ground retaliated by posting the city Isen was in, We guess as some sort of threat. (We think it was just the city, and not an address or anything like a proper dox.) Needless to say, insta-banned.
  2. Dan no you legs got Lt. Aint.
  3. Poor Feenix. We always felt bad about when she quit. Like We were partially responsible for it. Not because of any one thing in particular, just because Our persona edged the boards as a whole towards most of the issues she sited in her farewell. Largely delusions of grandeur, for sure. But still something We often considered afterwards.
  4. Many are the reasons We need therapy. Our opinion of you, in this regard, is extraordinarily small. Much like every other regard.
  5. Although technically both, We generally think of ourself as the good one. Ish.
  6. Shrike-raven's "band". Chubby told 467 to get raped and was all like "they won't ban me. I'm an Icon!" onthegroundnow doxxing Isen. They didn't even call it doxxing back then. And turns out, mochi's a dude.
  7. An older sister and two younger brothers.
  8. What's the yak kill range on this tank of yours?
  9. Not necessarily. Things are stupid for a reason. Typically reasons like neglecting very possible consequences. Occasionally much less valid reasons like being unconventional. An argument could be made that if something is functioning only because the conditions that bring about previously mentioned consequences simply haven't been realized yet, (i.e. it hasn't really been tested,) that it doesn't actually "work" but it's a difficult evaluation to make, particularly in the meantime... It seems likely you'll end up declaring something to be not stupid right up to the point where it becomes painfully obvious how stupid it in fact is.
  10. You're the kid who sees it happen on the news, and wishes it could be him holding the gun. Nothing more.
  11. Most people have been, at some point. It had been popular, recently, to speak out against it. As throughout most history though, seldom does anyone actually act to stop it. It still remains quite popular to celebrate it, so long as it goes by any other name.
  12. Indeed. In the good old days, some kind soul would have long since directed you to a farm upstate, with lots of room to run around, and many a girl with which you could befriend. Where has all the decency gone?
  13. Control. Easily. We're not really sure what We'd use it for... Mostly to be left in peace, probably... But it's far better than the alternative. We imagine reading to be a horrific scenario, akin to browsing the internet, but you have no inkling of where any particular link may take you, and every other page you open is the Dumpster Fires of 4chan.
  14. First off, if he has that much to just throw away, that implies the amount he's sitting on himself is beyond ridiculous. If that's the case, why would he ever in a million years waste his time just posting on these boards? Next, why would he want anyone here to have it? Let's just ignore the fact that nobody just gives away insane amounts of money like that ever. Certainly nobody gives it away to a small group of people who on a regular basis respond with little more than snide contempt. Long story short, you just walked into a trap. Best case scenario, you get raped/eaten alive by a pack(?) of raccoons.
  15. A corpse is never finished. Only abandoned.
  16. When her cats die, you should probably unfriend her.
  17. That rationale never seems to stop you from posting.
  18. We're not telling you how to do anything. We're merely commenting, in the most general of senses, on complacency. And you seem to be taking it personally. How curious.
  19. That sounds like a dreadfully boring discussion. The inordinate amount of attention you give to the teenage girls should speak for itself. If it really needs to be brought to the administration's attention though, surely one your coworkers could be persuaded to handle the busywork of talking about trifling details.
  20. Not really. We would be secure in our own prowess, and not feel compelled to correct their ignorance. Also, probably too busy looking for a heavier rock, or a higher hill.
  21. Of course. It will be entirely merit based. And you certainly won't be giving the highest scores solely to the young ladies you find attractive, in vein and unconscionable attempts to gain their attention. Clearly.
  22. Hornshire


  23. Indeed, We don't know your life. Nor do We much care to. What We know is that in this thread when the notion of striving for something better was mentioned, you reacted first with casual disdain, and then with more or less outright hostility.
  24. Sorry. We didn't realize that insinuating the value of a proactive stance should not be underestimated, particularly when your child's happiness is involved, would upset your delicate... "sensibilities." By all means, hinder her future how best you see fit.
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