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Everything posted by Dark_Chii

  1. Do you have a Nebraska Furniture Mart near you? You can set up an account, have your credit checked and then you can get a payment plan of 24 months with 0 interest.
  2. Boyfriend and I bought a new washer and dryer and then went to our friend's house warming party. Adulting.
  3. I was shocked to hear that he passed. I didn't know until a couple of days ago that it was possibly suicide though. From another article I had read, it's common that little people commit suicide and there have been a few little people actors that have committed suicide, which breaks my heart. Vern Troyer was only given shit roles though too. On a different note, his sex tape was...awkward.
  4. I WISH they would clean mine. My desk is under a vent that blows a ton of dust all over my desk. Like chunks of lint. Plus I know the night people bone on our floor and i've found my chair leaning back more than usual one day.
  5. I hope it's the sandwich cheese that are individually wrapped in plastic. An added bonus would be to have all TVs playing The Star Wars Holiday Special.
  6. How sweet of them to allow you guys to make them coffee and snacks. How did all that go? Sorry for your loss, by the way. You should have cut really thin slices of cheese, but only around 12 slices with crackers.
  7. I would like to get another rabbit. The tricky part for me is trying to successfully bond them (as best friends, not lovers. He had already tried with my youngest cat before he was neutered). I'm still fairly new and not as experienced at being a rabbit owner. Down the road when my boyfriend and I buy a house house, I want to get a dog, ferret, guinea pig, couple of senior animals, etc. Not all at the same time or order or have to have all types. I don't want to be an animal hoarder even though I LOVE THEM SO MUCH.
  8. I for one love dad jokes. I'm going to use this on my dad.
  9. I didn't know he had a brother. Huh. They don't really look alike.
  10. I'm pretty sure the person two isles over did the same thing. It was like a loud fart or possible pants shitting. Some truly dedicated office women, man.
  11. You want to but WILL YOU.
  12. And that's why she should run.
  13. Saying that her friend had an emergency and that she needed to leave immediately meant that she sensed something wrong/troubling/uncomfortable and felt that she needed to leave. You forcing her to stay just proves to her that her intuition about you was correct and that you are a danger. And seriously, dude. Forcing someone to stay is terrifying as sh*t and wrong. Don't be a predator.
  14. Wait, kiss her "if you have to"? Are you guys not in an official relationship? And why would you only kiss her if you have to?
  15. How would making eye contact with you make her feel better about life?
  16. At first all, I saw were woods and assumed you were deciding to live as a modern day sasquatch. After reading the comments, I saw the deer.
  17. Ew no. However I am glad I lost mine in a non-traumatic way. I'm very grateful for that.
  18. I wanted to be a zoo keeper.
  19. Surfer dudes/hipsters that are landlocked but still want to live that lifestyle but don't know where else to go?
  20. Or you were too drunk to set your alarm.
  21. Are you hurt physically at all? How did the car accident happen? Almost anything to do with getting money back takes forever. Companies normally take their sweet time refunding but get all huffy and puffy when you're even a day late with their payment.
  22. When a woman is looking at someone drinking on a bus, it's not "oh look at that cute, mysterious guy drinking on a bus." It's "oh my god, that guy is drinking on a bus. He needs professional help. I should get off the bus and get home before something really bad happens." It's way more concerning than it would ever be attractive. Concerning situations happen pretty often when it involves someone drinking on a bus.
  23. 10 million dollars in american dollars.
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