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Everything posted by Kudasai

  1. Meanwhile at the World Jr's
  2. Negativity uses too much energy
  3. When I joined ASMB
  4. I'll still end up having the same lack of enthusiasm issue
  5. I think there's only one thing that could get me intrested in the holidays again...it's just that I don't want to do that particular thing
  6. Punch Out marathon
  7. I absolutely hate Metropolis Zone in Sonc 2. Seriously miss me with Labyrinth Zone being too hard, Metropolis Zone is worst🤬
  8. I found $180 on the ground today. Thank you to that person for that generous donation.
  9. I want the desert to be my final resting place
  10. I'm definitely going to move. Possibly to Arizona
  11. Trying to figure out how to respond to that thread Doom posted in DF
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