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Everything posted by Kudasai

  1. Goddamn it!🤬
  2. LOL Leafs! Go Wings!
  3. Truth be told I was not a fan of the Attitude Era in the WWF
  4. Only when I'm playing NHL 96 but the most part I'm watching and talking a lot of shit
  5. Hockey Anime Retro Vidya Games
  6. That's why you should never stick your dick in crazy especially raw
  7. This dude definitely suffers from small dick syndrome
  8. LMAO, I think you're being a little too generous with that offer.
  9. It's hard ro feel sorry for someone who complains about getting trolled and then that same person turns arounds and starts doing some trolling themselves. You reap what you sow.
  10. I'm starting to wonder if these latest dreams are trying to tell me something
  11. You're a pervert at best
  12. I'm not ruling out on the possibility of shaking some sheets
  13. I learned those ways a long time ago
  14. Oh damn I think she likes me, poor woman I pity her
  15. Scalloped
  16. Fuck it I'm having steak tonight
  17. R.I.P. Clarke Gillies
  18. I forgot to make the cinnamon buns
  19. I want to say something about the Oilers for a minute. Last night they lost 6-0 to Florida at home. They're lost 6 straight games and it's starting to get testy up there in Edmonton. I want to focus on their General Manger, Ken Holland. I say this as a lifelong Red Wings fan but Ken Holland is easily the most overrated GM ever. I know he's in the hall of fame and has 4 Stanely Cup titles but I would put an asterisk on 3 of the championships and here' why. The core of the 97 and 98 team was built by Jim Devallano. He was also the one who hired Scottie Bowman. When Ken Holland took over the team was already ready to win a Cup. I'll give him credit for getting the team over the hump but again it was the previous GM who built that team from the ground up. He had a readymade team when took over. 2002, do I really need to explain that one? No salary cap again do I really need to expain that one? Also give a huge assist to Patrick Roy. 2008 that's the only title I'll say that was a legit Ken Holland built team but after 2009 the last time were considered a legit contender they started to decline and he could never build them back up again. Even though they made the playoffs until 2015 they never won a division title since 09. Here's what I'm trying to say, if your team is in a rebuild or is good enough to make the playoffs but not good enough to win a Stanely Cup then Ken Holland is worst choice for a GM because he's never had to build a team from the ground up. I'm not saying he's the worst GM of all time (that honor goes to Mike Milbury) again I'll give him 2008 and I'll give him credit for drafting Datsyuk and Zetterberg but let's be honest, Datsyuk and Zetterberg were nowhere the caliber of Yzerman, Federov and Lidstrom just sayin'. So that brings me to Edmonton, I really wonder how the OIlers spun it to their fans that Ken Holland was going to be their next GM. Did they think that they were getting the Yoda of NHL GM's. Did they not know that there was a reason that Steve Yzerman replaced him in the first place? Shit I'm not the least bit surprised that the Oilers are where they are. They've been a team that's been good enough to make the playoffs but not good enough to win a Cup. That Duncan Keith trade was classic Ken Holland. It's going to be intersting to see what happens in the next few weeks. Is Evander Kane going to be the answer? I'm sure that's what that locker room needs but then again this was a GM that one employed Sean Avery. But for now I just want to sit back and laugh and continue to say that 'I TOLD YOU SO!' To Oilers fans.
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