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Everything posted by Kudasai

  1. Hell week is officially underway
  2. Why hasn't chitterlings gotten canceled?
  3. Fuck you and fuck those stanking ass chitlins you irritating old hag
  4. LMAO the Avs beat the Canucks 4-2 tonight. I just want to take a moment to talk about the situation in Vancouver. It's not looking good for the folks in B.C. and I just wanted to say the suffering that Canucks fans are going through couldn't have happened to a better fanbase. That is all
  5. The Vancouver Canucks once again...
  6. Not sure what "bug" is going around at work but it seems like I may be coming down with it.
  7. I'm in the mood for Chrono Trigger
  8. Oh boy that's a game that gets a coach fired
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